Tuesday 22 January 2019

Self Discussion

Self Discussion .....!!! it sounds strange .. it is something like crazy, how a man can talk to to self, what the other people will think to look him, he will get a bad fame ..bla bla ....!

But dear readers, there are the ways through which we can talk to self, we can easily raise questions to self, but before proceeding ahead we have to know that why talking to self is required, what is the importance of it in the life .... following are few points which directly says i.e talk to yourself :--

1). Self Motivation

2). Understand something

3). Teach to self

4). Release stress

       * Release stress may happen by any kind of way, such as:

             a).   If you are frustrated, then simply encourage yourself, give good feeling to self, say that

                    all the things are running very fine, everything would be cool and fantastic, no need to

                    worry.. using any kind of words, sentences... just feed to yourself .. and i beleive you

                    would be stress free ...

             b). is your stress belongs to any person ...? just start abusing him ... you would be stress free

                  .. here no need any friend or second person for this case ..

5). Memorize :
          if you learned something or you saw/hear/smell something.. keep memorize .. explain it in

          your memory in words, just look surrounds related to the scene or event inside your

          memory ,, try to make some virtual scene or kind of video inside the memory ... i am 100%

          sure that particular memory would be the part of your permanent memory for forever... you

          will never forget it ..

6).  Maintain a Good relation with all:

          If you are running with the bad relation with someone, just analyze the matters, talks into

          your memory and keep questioning to self and find the answers of that, try to make

          positive  and healthy talk with self, move the conversation towards positive direction and

          try to find your faults and other's situation ... and excuse to self .... do promise to yourself

          something if require ...

7). Increase Memory Power:

       It is very true, that if you discuss with yourself then you are forcing your mind to do

          some work, you continue thinking on some subject, here we are running our brain,

          and brain's part is being completely active, this process makes the brain very very

          healthy and powerful, the process makes the

          brain unbeatable, after a long time exercise you will start feeling that you are able to

          store more and more

          information in the brain and like earlier you are not forgetting the things now, hence

          the power of brain or  memory increases due to this exercise..

for anything, any kind of problem related to your personal life or professional life .. just talk to yourself first ... try to get the solution from yourself first ... if you are not succeed to get the query resolved then only look for any other person to solve your issue, but my suggestions is ... first talk to yourself, at least personal life related issue are needed to validated first from inside your ..and then require to disclose it to others ...

Now here is the question ... How to talk self ? do we have to create any environment for this ...? what kind of situation needed to create for this activity ..? etc ...

all are the good questions .. and having only one answer .. i.e "Be Alone", "Be quite", "Keep talking in mind", "visualize the thinking inside the mind".. etc ..

You can see in the picture .. the monkey is looking to himself in the mirror, this is only the aspect of self talking which i am trying to explain ... look inside ...

The Buddha Said :

     “You, yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

We should love ourselves .. we should care ourselves .. therefore we are our best friend .. and friend always shares their moments ... at least once in the day ..

If we really need a sharp mind, unforgettable memory, outstanding courage to fight with the problems .. we must have to do the two things :

   1). live at least 30 minutes alone

   2). be completely silent and have self conversation

please read my previous blogs also regarding "adding timestamp with your activity", it is also very necessary ... for next day we should have a plan today only at the time of before sleeping in night .. and add a time tag with those activities..

Now i am expecting that you will have a healthy discussion with yourself and never forget to discuss with you always before taking help of others, guys it is also very important to keep in mind...i.e .. third person can use your words for fun .. and your personal life would be just the matter of fun and enjoyment for others ... therefore it is very serious matter .. therefore always be careful and in sense that what kind of subject you are going to discuss with third person ... always remember my suggestion ..i.e talk to yourself firs .. discuss with yourself first ... try to share your problems with yourself first ... if you have more serious problem and you really want to say someone then just leave your comment to my mail id i.e jeetendranathjha@gmail.com .... i am always available to reply with my best ....

Please do not forget to share your comments & feedback .. so that i can improve myself..

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