Monday 27 January 2020

I am in a cage

Dear readers, "I am in a cage" is my story, i am writing each words from my current life today, each words will contain my feelings and emotions, why i am saying like this...

 lets start the journey of my life:
            These days i am working in a Software company, the company is very very big, they are also giving me a good salary package to live the life better, i used to reach office daily at 8 AM in the morning, then i puts my bags and laptops on my desk and i go to gym for physical exercises, almost after 1 hour i tooks shower and comes back to my desk and starts working, i works continuously till 1 PM and then i used to go for lunch, coming from lunch till 2 PM and again work, meeting till 6 PM, after this long work i mostly feel like tiredness, then i am leaving office and starts my bike towards my home, finally i reach home, takes tea, watching TV or Youtube videos etc... and takes dinner and sleeps, and the same story begins from the next morning. From Monday to Friday the same routine is being followed strictly, even i don't have the control to break this routine, my native town is Katihar, Bihar. Once in the year i usually visits to my native town to meet my parents for a very very short time i.e one week only.
I want to stay months in my village, i want to meet my all old friends of my village, i want to visit my sister's law's home, i want to spend time with my all relatives but i can not...! taking leave is like killing someone, bosses never allowed to take leaves... even in leaves they regularly calls on phone and forces to be present in meeting, to join some session to do some task etc... it is horrible
I want to take leave to visit my native town, i want to take leave to spend long holidays, i want to take leave for riding bike for very very long distance and wanted to explore the natural places, but it never happens... I cannot leave the job and take the break because i have loans on me and every month i need money to pay loan EMI on time, i do not have the any alternate sources of income currently so that i can fulfill my desire, therefore only one source of income forces me to continue my job even if i don't want.
That's why i said " I am in a Cage ", trust me... people like me are millions and millions in the world, but they are helpless like me, i am doing brainstorming daily to find the way to get off from this situation, i am continuously thinking to find the way of making money from some other alternate sources of income, but i fail.
My Situation is almost similar to the animals & birds of zoo or the place where they lives in a cage, their power and strength becomes zero and they never do whatever they want, their life becomes slave of someone else's.

We can see the hopes and pain in the eyes of the animals for freedom, they also want to fly to long long distance, they also want to run very very fast to a big distance, but they don't. Our nation might be free but not all the creatures of the nation. Humans are the social animal, but while working in a software firm or even any private job nobody is free, nobody can take a long break and meet to all the relatives, we can have to money but not precious time.

Trust me guys, we can by anything in the world with money but few things we can not buy, those are:
"Time", "Peace", "Relatives", "Breath", "Life", "Death", "Grace", "Sacrifice", "Love" etc... there are lots of such things in the world.

The most important thing is "Time", if we have time to spend with us, with relatives, with family then we can get almost everything from the above which we cannot buy from money, But working in a private firm we only not having i.e "Time".

My mother is sick and she is in my native home ( Katihar, Bihar), i want to go home to see her and to care her but i cannot make it because recently i took leaves at Diwali last year and i went home for almost 10 days where 4 days took on travelling via train, therefore i cannot take leaves now, my heart and mind both says together i.e "Go home, spend time with family", but i cannot, i don't know what kind of happiness i am searching while working and earning money. i know there are infinite opportunities are there in market, there are millions are the way of earning money but currently my mind is not coming with any solution, i am continuously searching the ways on internet and asking from friends to get something done for finding any source of income but not getting any idea yet.

What If i find the way of alternate source of income ?
     If i will find any way of alternate sources of income then below are few things i will do in my life stepwise:
1. Mentain Saving account balance
2. Close all the liabilities
3. I will spend maximum maximum time with family at my native village.
4. I will configure my bike for touring and will buy the necessary stuffs for tour such as Camera, Riding Jackets, Gloves, Boots etc...
5. Will ride and visit each corner of the India and outside India ( neighbor countries like Bhutan, Nepal.
I have a bike of Indian company i.e Hero Xpulse 200, i bought it on 13 Oct 2019, the purpose was touring and riding it, whenever i gets time i must ride the bike on heighway, but it is just riding and running the bike due to hobby only, but my dream is going long and long, but again "Leaves", boss will gets heart attack when i mention leave word...
Is this the life we expects...
Almost all the motivational speakers and great people says that "We should live our dreams, whatever is our dream we have to work for it" but in reality it is very very difficult, at the end of every day we need money to run the family and to fulfill the requirements, and if we decide to live the dream then instant money arrangement is very very difficult task. My heart's feeling is very very critical... i want to stop going office from tomorrow and want to pack my bags for touring but i am helpless, i need to go office... What kind of life i am living...

What i am doing to live my dreams and to fulfill my all desire ?
      There is no shortcut of success, therefore i need to make a long term planning with small small short goals, i am completely moving towards the writing profession, i am writing blogs, books, poems, stories etc... i already E-Published two books on amazon i.e "
India Tourism EBook" and "Love Story of an Engineer Ebook" , these are the books which i wrote with very less experience, therefore i don't know about it's writing quality but one thing i can say is it is having very very nice story inside it.
I started writing blogs actively from today, even this blog is the part of my goal therefore please provide your like and comments here, also share your suggestions related to the career where i can be the completely free and work from anywhere of the world so that i can travel and do research in order to fulfill my dreams.

Suggestion for the people like me ?
        Dear friends, if you think you are also in the same category where i am residing then my request is that you are still not late, but if you miss this time then you will be late, we all are running with the sort of time, therefore we need to work as early as possible, we need to use every second of the time, therefore start any work whatever you think is better for you and will give you financially freedom to achieve your goal, moving career from one domain to another is really very very difficult task and it sounds easy only in words, also it is not a short period, you have to believe on you and need to work years, after that only you can achieve but believe me you will definitely achieve and live your dream. There will be the situation when you will work hard but will not get any kind of output and response from the readers/customers/clients and markets, do not be panic, your time will arrive and you will be pro and rocking one day, "Just Believe on you and keep going, do not stop..."

Freedom lovers
        Guys, This is really a big big and very very big point which is loved by every single creatures of the world, even insects, bacteria, viruses and crops, everything...
We all love freedom, In this era we all are living in free country where we have all right to do everything if act does not harms anyone or anyone's belief, if our act does not disturbs anyone and our act is not anti national... wherever we want we can go, police is always there to helps us, we have government to helps us, but what about our dreams and financial condition... how it will be fulfilled, this is very critical question, i suggest everyone to live with dream even you are not earning money from it, just live it, Guys... Logically everything is difficult in this world, we cannot find anything easily, someone said "No Gain Without Pain", i just want to say that even we are living in a free country and doing whatever we can do, but if we cannot live our dream due to some condition, in this scenarios can i say that we are not completely free in terms of mental relaxation, mental satisfaction, living for our time etc...
We always need to find a way to live the dream and happy time of our life.

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My Books:
    India Tourism: India Tourism EBook
    Love story of an engineer: Love Story of an Engineer Ebook

Please share your comments and do like the blog.


  1. Nicely written your feelings in words. As you told it is not only your story but millions of guys having same situation including me is right.

  2. Very nice content, love to read it


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