Dear Readers, the title of this blog itself explains the story inside, you are correct... , it is related to our thoughts and performing steps on that, our mind is very vast thinking machine and even in case of idle when we are relaxing in that case also our mind is executing some sort of ideas and continuously rendering the memories, sentences that your heard or saw in your past, our mind is very complex and it generates high density performance of the planning, problem solving, find a way etc... Thousands of new ideas take births and dies in every hour, Our mind is working very very hard even if we are not doing anything , therefore we need to first monitor the mind to perform the specific set of action and to think for specific set of ideas, if you monitors your mind and force mind to think something then you will realize that your mind starts working for you even in case of sleeping your mind will not stop giving you the inputs, this is the power of our mind, there are numerous books and blogs on it one of the famous book is "Power of Subconscious mind", "The Secret" is the one of the best book where the same thing has been elaborated i.e "Continuous Thinking and Thinking for long time", continuous thinking sometimes takes you to the loop where you mind renders something unstoppable and you feel like you do not have the control on it and failed to stop this waves, therefore we need to little intelligent to our thinking procedure and need to diverts our mind for a while in the middle of the process, in simple just be little brilliant, everyone's mind is not equal and capable to adopt the things equally, then what should we do in this case...? lets share a story with you, my younger brother is not interested on doing study, therefore he has be qualified 10th somehow but it was very very difficult to pass in 10th for him, we were forcing him for study, he never try to read books and solving the mathematics problems, but after 10th we have sent him town for 11th he was living alone in a rented room, therefore no body was there to force him for study, and he left the college and final exam, till now he is not qualified 11th. The reason behind sharing this story is the capability of mind, i tried to motivate and make him understand many times but he never gets me properly and always he spoils his time with useless friends and meaningless chatting, he was also addicted to the chewing tobaccos, smoking and drinking. My motivation and the story of "Power of mind" never puts the impact on his brain. The conclusion is that all kind of brain is available in the world, the adoptive mind can only capable to learn something and do something better for the society and career, if you are here and reading this blog it means your are having adoptive brain to learn the concept of whole universe and change yourself, society, country, planet and galaxy. Human are different from animal only due to the brain, our brain is only the our power & strength, human rules the universe currently using this powerful brain and learning capability, therefore we should adopt the new technologies and learn as quick as possible everything, we should not spoil our time to discuss with the non adoptive brains and nonsense person because your time is precious, during that time you can learn and convert many many possibility into reality.
"When I think, that i am right and rest of all the people are wrong" in this case we need to brainstorm, we need to think deeply on that because in most of such cases you are going to the wrong direction, but in some cases your are right and rest of the world is wrong... both are the possible case, therefore we need to think think and think again on this before executing any action on it. Lets take an example for it, your younger brother wants to buy a bike, he is in matured age ( assume 25 years) you are saying that wait for 2 months then i will arrange bike for you but he still fighting and creating violent scene at home with mom, dad, your wife every day, you tried to make him understand many time but he thinks he is right and you are wrong, you explained that you have no money that time therefore you cannot buy bike for him currently, but he thinks that you have everything and all the amount for the bike, dad, mom, sister, your friends everyone tried to explain him the situation but he did not understand... Now try to put yourself in the place of your younger brother, what you should do now...? You should listen parents, elder brother and and try to understand the situation, try to understand the situation which is critical and lots of the things are much important then the bike in the family. Therefore we should listen our parents, elders carefully and then we should think about the things.
"Our Goal Is The Collection Of Small Small Thoughts & Actions" We all have dreams and goals for our life, someone wants to be IAS and someone Scientist, someone professor, someone very very rich, but we all are having a very very same and common problem, i.e "Divert from goal" Yes.... it is absolutely correct, we all are getting diverts from our goal, therefore we need some medicine to keep focus on it i.e "Divide the big goal into tiny tiny multiple goals and set time to complete it daily or weekly", you will never loose your focus then, your continuity will be remained always.
"Life is very short, live like pro daily" It is absolutely true, we all have very short life, we should not spend our time in nonsense things, we should do the effective utilization of the time, my suggestion is to maintain distance from TV, Politics, Videos, Movies etc... if these things are not your profession, watching movies, TV & videos is not a bad things but spending days on it is a big issues, we need be very very sensitive on it. One more important thing is to identify your friend , and keep a big distance from junk friend. These acts will save your lots of time, if you have lots of time then you will invest your time to fulfill your dreams and to achieve your goal.
"Those people are very lucky who lives their dream in younger" I believe on it, because in almost 99.999% struggling people lives the dream life at their older age, but salute to those people who spends their happy time and living the dreams at younger age, those kind of people are more valuable and source of inspiration if he starts from scratch since his/her childhood, our one of the inspiration is "Steve Jobs", "Akshay kumar", "Amitabh Bachchan" etc... this is a very long list, We all are surrounded with the infinite possibility of success and opportunities, we only need to find the way.
We need to focus deeply to fulfill the dreams as early as possible, because living the dream at younger is only the fun otherwise living at old age is not an excitement, only the happiness which will makes your smile on your face because you finally got your dream even at older age. I only want to tell you that, whatever is your dream whatever you want to be, work very very very very hard for that and try to achieve at early as possible in your age, so that you cannot miss your happy and precious moment of your life.
"Don't wait for early wake up at morning, if you are not able to make it" I just want to share my thoughts on it, whatever you think is correct please proceed with that. Most of us are always setting alarm at morning and things that we will wake up early and then we will start working or learning or whatever... we will do , but as usual what happens... we mostly not wake up at morning, and we loose our work, therefore best thing is try, try to wake up at early in the morning but if you are failed then do not try again and again, it is the wasting of the time, just leave it, and do your all the work at late night, work till the time you are not feeling complete sleepy, this tiredness will definitely grow you and give you the shine and confidence to move ahead with more energy and zeal.
Our mind is a machine and it runs on our ideas, therefore we need to feed our mind with the good ideas and positive sentences, mind always performs on the basis of feeds and force, therefore press the mind forcefully to work and get the things done from that. Our goal is tightly bounded with the power of our mind, and power of the mind is customizable using feeds of ideas and positive talks.
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I hope you understood the concept, exactly what i want to say you, these levels are the filters which you need to apply on your ideas or thoughts which arises in your mind, believe me... it will completely help you to customize your thoughts, you will have very very less content to think and talk, and you will have the huge time to spend on achieving the goal, Lavel-1 includes those ideas which gives you happiness and smile on your face. Never make negative friends and keep distance from those kind of people, try to be alone as much as possible, because in alone only your mind can concentrate on something, your focus also works strongly at your lonely time.
Again, "Continuous Thinking and Small Small action towards that takes you to the goal" never leave to think for your goal.
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