Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Set priority and timestamp for each task

Time ..!! Dear Readers, Time is the wealth and time is only the assets in everyone's life, we always spend this wealth even if we do not want also .. therefore i observed time is only the game in the life span. Today i am going to share a thought which is the key point of every person in this world, we all want to success but we have huge work, we do not have the time to execute all the task, sometimes we wanted to collect 98% marks in exam but in actually we watch the TV or playing or doing some other task, we want to be a good cricket player but due to lack of time we do some other task and we invest our all the time, friends... it is universal truth that we all have only 24 hours of time in day + night, all the failed & succeed guy having the same time .. and we all have warehouse of works... it is true that we cannot perform all those tasks in such a limited time ... human gets thousands of idea and thoughts during the active hours in their mind, therefore it is our duty to select what we want, what activity we have to perform, which thought needed to be convert into action, so friends i tried to capture the things in following few points:

  1. After going to bed, think what are the activities you have 

     for tomorrow and what activities are very necessary to 

     do, so list all those activities.

 2. Set priority with all task

 3. Set timestamp with all the task, here timestamp means 

      block a time for all the activities.

 4. If everything is set then take deep breath and try to sleep.

Next day before leaving the bed, again memories the yesterday's bullet points that you decided for today, here take the time at least 10 minutes, think deeply and then leave the bed and start your work.. the activity should be perform as it is you decided without any disturbance ... we all are getting disturbance while working on something always or we have many medium which diverts our mind from one place to other, in current time we have TV, mobile phones, internet ..etc ..

Don't give the place of these disturbance between your activity or task you decided to do .. if you feels that using mobile is necessary or surfing net is necessary then keep these tasks in your activity list also and put small timestamp for it or whatever your want ... but decided activities should be executed like script without any barriers ....

Friends, it is very very important to utilize the time properly because time is priceless and once it gone it will never comes back, we are being old with every seconds and seconds are moving faster nonstop, therefore we have to move faster also. It is very important that we have to keep distance for nonsense activities, always maintain distance from unnecessary stuffs because it only waste our time and nothing more than that. 

Friends, it is true if you will executes your defined activities without any barrier you will feel very satisfied and improved, you will receives experience of the activity, and one day you gets the success.

We have to bound our-self with timestamp in every moment of life, for example sleeping is our daily activity but we do not have the specified time for it, we have to bound this activity also with time.. define 7-8 hours for it or more than that if you need it.. and after completion of that time leave the bed and start your work.

We should bound our dinner, lunch, games, movies, TV Shows or whatever activity we thing is needy, just bound with time.

I have a very nice idea for you, just take blank paper and a pen, make a 24 hour Analog clock, write your activity by blocking the time hours over the watch only, it is best way to remember.

and better if you pin this paper in wall of your study room or workstation.

I hope the concept is clear and i succeed to explain my thought well to all. Please comment your reactions or feedback, your feedback are key point for me to improve myself.

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Extract data like a sensor

Extracts Data Like a Sensor, here Sensor is an electronic device used to fetch data from environment, it is majorly used for AI, robotics and for machines.

Dear Readers .... We should be grateful to god and thanks to him because he blessed us with beautiful eye, we are lucky because we can see the colorful joy of the nature, and feels how beautiful it is, we all read, learn, drive, run and doing all the necessary stuffs whatever require for us and for family/society. we always looks simply or roughly always and fetches 20% to 30% information from the point of vision, we roughly observes the data before us and calculates in our mind accordingly, we never forces our eye or mind to point our vision or point our eye into the place forcefully from where we try to get the information,

How many people are really looks sharply ??? How many people are looking the stuff like gets 100% information from the point of vision ?? I mean how many are really looking ....?

This is not a simple questions ... because here we do the real utilization of our eye and making a good combination of eye and mind, friends ... we are learning 80% of the things using our eye only , rest of the things we learn from ear, nose, skins and tongue, therefore we have to be very careful about the way we use our eye, now i will explain how to do that ... how to use our eye to extract the complete i.e 100 % information of the particular point of vision, following are the few steps we should follow when we looks, see around us, we read books, we learns something in classroom, we walk on the road, we drive/ride etc ..:

Push your eye to look into some point at a time
Don't move eye at least 3-5 seconds from the point
Don't blink eye fast
Whatever the scene or picture is currently in front of your eye try to keep as it is in your mind.
Above steps are very necessary to extract the information like the artificial intelligence, like the electronic sensor extracts and keeps the data for the record.

I tried to draw my thoughts, but i don't know the things will get clear or not:

in the above picture human eye is looking to the objects but how much information he can extracts it totally depends to his energy, hunger of knowledge & interest on particular portion of the objects, here is a new point i depicted i.e interest, we only focused more on the interested part of the visual and try to understand completely but it does not mix to our habits, we should have to prepare our eye & brain to focus onto the objects all the time usually, therefore we have to make our habit, always keep eye full energetic.

I have separately written a post on energy, please read that carefully, because energy only matters in all the circumstances. Here we have to feed the eye in full energetic mode always.

It is a practice and we should merge it into our daily life, so that practice could be convert into habit, as we already know that the habit is key element.

Must share your comments if you have any suggestions or you want to put light on something.

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Friday, 10 August 2018

Try to be Energetic always

"Importance of body energy"

Our success & Failure both depends on our body energy, because body energy only gives us strength, in every step of our daily activity we need huge amount of energy.
Today is the era of smartness, Technology and Intelligence, therefore to fulfill the requirement of the world needs energy, we need to think and have to take action on that quickly because the era is so fast, And for all the necessities we need the powerful mantra i.e energy, for the smallest action also you need energy to perform it, therefore i think you all are sufficient smart to understand the power of body energy for all the actions therefore i think there is no need  to explain the importance of energy.
There may be only two case, first is "either you will do something" and second is "or you will not" but in both case the requirement will be fulfilled by energy only, in the case of something you are trying to think an idea and you will make that idea into reality, here you require huge energy to do this but in 2nd case where you will not do anything or you will do rest only, in that case also you are planning or thinking which is an action and after that you will do rest, so in this case you will spend very less energy compared to the 1st case. Therefore energy and work is closely related to each other,
According to me following are the relation of work and energy:--
1). Requirement of energy & work is proportional:
     Because as the work & action increase the need of 
     energy also increase. Similarly if the work decreases
     the need of energy also decrease.
2).  Energy only performs work
4).  Energy is the base of any action we executes in our daily  life.

Readers, never think that the energy comes from only foods or only from any external sources, foods also generates laziness which is the killer of our productivity and disables our all the active hours, no doubt that food, sunlight, drinks etc... is the source of our body energy but the realy productive energy comes from motivation, it comes from inside us, the power which comes from our mind is the long lasting and very active, this enrgy kills your all the unproductive energies which is nothing but laziness, therefore be self motivated always and try to be energetic, once your try to behave energetic an energy starts flowing in your body and this is the moment when you can execute your tasks and gets the good productivity, hence more energy generates the long productive active hours with best quality service of everything, if you are student then you can read for a long time, if you are a software professinal then you can work for very long time with mentaining the good quality for the software products or services, wherever you are you will automatically perform your best, you just need to mentain your good body energy by feeding positive sentences to your mind.

"Self Motivation", The question is how self motivation flow the energy in our body. Friends, here i want to say i.e self motivation is an activity where we talks to our-self only, we questions to our-self and gives answer to our-self, when i discuss something to i only then two kind of energy gets generates one is hope and other one is negation, hope generates positive energy and negating generates negative energy, once we have hope and hope involved with some activity or action, we starts thinking to perform, and in case of negation which generates the negative energy and this energy generates laziness, and laziness is killing our food energy and converts it into fat which is very harmful for our body.
While talking to our-self we should force to think fast and get work done fast, force mind with multiple questions with "How", "Why", "When" etc ... and here we gets some positive energy.

I hope you would be full energetic from now to execute your daily activities, and i hope you will feel an inner power from now to motivate yourself to get the more and more energy to get the work done in your day to day life.

Feed you mind for powerful energy
Dear readers, Feed is something like source which burns and leaves huge energy, feed depends on the different machines therefore nature of feed always changes, our feed is food, machine's feed is patrol, CNG, LPG, Diesel etc... the common thing is all kind of these machines or engines need only one feed to work properly or we can say that only one fuel needed to function but our mind need two feeds at the same time to perform anything, really strange... have you ever thought about it... amazing...!!!! our mind needs food energy to blow up and for functioning well it needs the feed of idea or series of sentences, now it upto us that what kind of sentences we makes to feed our mind, there are major two kind of feed possible one is "Positive" and one is "Negative", one more important thing is that if we will not creates the idea to feed the mind then this will be done by the mind automatically, our mind is very smart on this, mind will creates some idea and automatically starts functioning on it, now we need to monitor and control to the mind always, most of the people never controls the flow of idea running on mind therefore they do the thing wich is unknown for them and performs action for without calculating the results and impacts of result on their life.
Keep creating positive ideas and feed it continuously to the mind, so that your mind will only do what you want to do, our subconscious mind never stops working even when we are in deep sleep.

Our body energy is only our best friend, energy gives the power of fighting for all kind of problem, energy gives the power of continous thinking, energy broadcasts the wave of dominant desire of goal from the head to the surroundings, these waves works as magnet which pulls the goal/desire/want towards us.
Therefore always mentain the sufficient energy level in your body, similar to the battery of mobile, mentain 100% battery level in your body even in case if you are not taken food whole day.

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Nirmit Camp Life & Came back to Gurgaon

D ear readers, You knew that I have reached the Naukuchiatal in my previous blog, As everyone knows that the entire Uttarakhand is the place...