This story is based on the Indian student's situation, i found that the Indian students are very different from the other world's student because the student of rest of the world only focused to study and utilize them but Indian student's study is not for utilizing the knowledge for invention, fulfilling their desire or for giving something back to society, Indian student's study is only for getting good job, being settle and finally for marriage (for getting a good girl). Therefore the most of people (students or parents) never did study on the basis of interest or passion, they did study on the basis of earning, prestige, maintain class on society etc... therefor they took lots of time to prepare for entrance examination, then fights to clear all semesters and after that for getting the job, the parents also compares the status, marks and salaries of their kids to their friend's and neighbor's kid, it is the biggest problem of Indian society, i think these kind of expectation and comparison should not happen, due to these expectation and comparison the kids often not performing well and their intelligence and talent being lost, for example a kid want to be a writer but his/her parent want that he/she should be an engineer because their friend's kid is going to take admission in engineering, this is the reason where kids lose their talent and not perform well in the area where he/she does not have the interest. Leave it...!! "Love Story of an Engineer" is a book covers the common problem of an Indian engineer, a guy born in a poor family, he struggles his life to get an higher study and getting job, during this time he loose his love because she cannot wait to get marriage and wait to get him settled, and as we all know the time is only a distance... same thing happens, he took long time to get settled and during the time she spends life in UAE, he gets a job in an IT firm in Gurgaon, after few years of job he went to Australia for working at client location, their he again felt into love, and finally gets marriage... the interesting thing is when his first college time love (her name is Richa) is coming to Delhi stayed in Radisson blu hotel, she meets at Ambience mall and discuss interestingly without sharing his current affair's information, and analyzed him for their habits, outfits, income etc... very closely, after that she made a decision that her old lover is still 24 carat gold, he is still living happy same as earlier, he is best suited guy for her daughter. Now she became happy because her daughter selected a old but good guy for her life, Richa came back to the airport and took flight to UAE.
The story is completely imaginary but it is based on the Indian traditional thinking, the 95% of boys never focused on study during their educational period, they focus on getting pretty girls by chatting and talking, some guys are very-very special who love to look the girls only but no dare to talk, and this kind of guy spends their all the time to look pretty girls in market, download wallpapers of gorgeous female models, setting desktop background image and mobile wallpapers, therefore they are not able to get the job or good business on the time and it causes everything late.
I observed the children's comparison is the biggest problem if Indian families, it causes most of the stress and problematic life of those kids.
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My Books:
India Tourism: India Tourism EBook
Love story of an engineer: Love Story of an Engineer Ebook
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