Tuesday 22 December 2020

The Power Of Silence

Dear Readers, If you are a reader then you are the person who can actually speak the power of silence, and if you are the writer then you are only the best person to say about it, this is my personal experience in this context, that the silence is really very magical, it provides us the best productivity ever, our silent behavior gives us everything whatever we need, and whatever we want. This is the COVID 19 situation , today heard the news that Britain is locked down again due to the second phase of the CORONA mutation, but this is the time to grow at home in all the context of the live, we can work on our health at home, work is already going on, the skills we can develop. But we all have the very limited time, actually we all have the same time limit, it cannot varies person to person in this planet at least, therefore we need to manage it at any cost, because time is very precious and once it pass it means it will never return, we all are moving forward in our life with the addition of the certain amount of the time in our life, therefore we all should invest our time to grow our self and to work for the society.

Now the most important question is how we will do and achieve these things, in this century the disturbance is more, because the huge amount of fast data availability and the mobile devices made the addiction of the electronic devices and these devices takes our attention and spoils our precious time, recently i have observed one thing in my life, i learned it from my experience, one day i was sad and i did not touched my mobile, i did not turned on my TV and did not played any video on youtube, i observed something which was magical, my performance was awesome, i have worked well that day, i have worked on my book and written the blog as well, in a single day i have worked a lot, and i have never observed this much productivity in my life before. At the end of the day i have think on this point, the question was "what happened to me today, what i did today which i have not done before in my life ?" the simple answer was i was completely silent, i have talked only few lines in the day, and felt the power of silence, usually i am a talky kind of person and i used to speak a lot in a day, and it distracts my mind, which reduces my productivity. Now i am decided  to keep my mind like this always, i will always try to speak as less as possible, if required only i will speak, because speaking is only not the things, our mind keeps processing the talks which we do with others, and our mind's maximum percentage involves on those data processing, and if we keeps our self silent, we speaks very less, we does not meets others without any work or we do not dial number of other to talk then we will save our time, the wastage utilization of the mind and many more things. 

Silence is only the root spell of the success,
     We always should perform silently on our work, whatever the target you set for you, and whatever the things you wanted to do in your life, just start working on it, leave everyone side, leave all the relation side, everything is destroyable and one day everything will be die, even we will also die, therefore do not connects yourself un-necessarily with anyone, and meaningless talk should never been done. I will always suggest you that speak as less as possible.

Our life is our life, we only need to fulfill the dream, no body will help us on it.

Silence is the medicine of success.

Perform silently on the productive work, and never try to entertain the meaningless talks.

Music is the medicine to boost the psycho system , better to sing the song instead of listen or do together.

Okay, Do one thing, just do the paratactical, just give your one day to me, and follow my above mantras ( spell), when you woke up at the morning, just keep your mouth shut and speak if only their is the need, you will observe the magical changes in your surroundings, whatever you wanted to do you can do those things very peacefully and smoothly.

Silence is also the best medicine of the psychology, it is a kind of meditation, if you keeps yourself silent for a longer time your body and soul will be stable and peaceful, this is my personal experience.

Just be silent and see the magical changes in your life.

When we are silent we connect our self with nature.

When we are silent we connect our self with the supreme god.

Silent is only the best way to do the yoga, meditation, kundalini Jagriti, boost the soul, siddhi etc...

Thanks for reading, follow me and share your comments.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Working from home is not easy

Dear Readers, COVID-19 is the disease of lots of learning, this pandemic changed the world completely, the way of looking of the many stuffs has been changed of the world, now most of the things happened digital, and people love to stay home now, now social distancing is the major concern, and it should be the, the government is spreading the slogan i.e "2 गज दूरी मास्क है जरुरी", because this is only the initial vaccine to save our self, world is working on create a good vaccine currently, this is the big challenge which world have after China's expansionist policy, hahaha... correct, China is continuously working on to spread their boarders and due to this issue world is under the threat, also the latest hobby is to be the world most powerful nation such as America, but i think America and Russia knew this and they are trying to make China down, but do know know... what will happen, China is really great threat for the world, now the terrorists coming to India from Pakistan contains the Chinese weapons, it means China supporting terrorists also or just selling the weapons to Pakistan and Pakistan doing the effective utilization of those weapons... anything is possible, Anyway this is not our topic, we will discuss about the "work from home".

How many of you working from home these days, some of you are okay for work from home because you have the fixed login time and logout time, you work gets completed or somehow your company fixed the time of it, but most of us are working 24x7 these days, there is only login time, but there is not logout time of it, I am working in an MNC and it is service based software company, i have two standup meeting in a day, login time is 9 AM and starts with the status call, after that we have again status call at 3:00 PM, then working till midnight for the morning status, this is the story of my work from home, and i think same is for many person, this is actually very hectic and manager thinks like this is lockdown period and people will not go anywhere, so they do not need to take leaves and need to go outside , it means the resources will remain in the home, and it means need to work, the employees are nothing more than a resource, hahaha... what the hell is this, we engineers are counted as resource i.e human resource, we are also human and we need the time to take rest, we need the leave to spend time with family, but it does not happens, most of the company have the policy for employee friendly and they actually wants to keep the employee tension free, but at the ground managers are actually dealing the things and everything the gets destroyed at this end, i do not know some managers are made with which soil, they are really amazing, leaves are like atom bomb for them, taking leaves means a kind of heart attack of him/hear... 😁 hahaha... It is true, if you have worked in many corporate companies then you must have faced such person in your life.

Following few main points i have noticed which is the major bullets during the WFH ( work from home) festival:

1. No time of logout
2. Work independently
3. Minimal support on any of the work item.
4. No leaves at all
5. Meeting any time
6. No breakfast
7. No lunch
8. No Dinner
9. Debug the issues during lunch/breakfast/dinner time.
10. No time for family
11. Work late night
12. Twice daily standup meeting
13. Long meetings and calls

What the hell is this life, 😆 Really, Since the lockdown i am thinking to setup a shop and resign, i am completely fed-up with all of this, Share your experience what do you faced, it is the critical time,  most of the companies firing their employees, there are thousands of the people are jobless, many IT companies fired their employees, and manager always takes the benefit of these news, we are also afraid in some extent, this is the critical point which is often raised by the manager in the meeting, so that we can work without any question continuously 24x7.

Earlier most of us were thinking to work from home, but now we are thinking about office, and waiting to be opened, so that we cannot work at weekends at least, this COVID situation changed the infrastructure and life of many people, now companies completely sure that the WFH is possible for the employee, and most of the things we can do online, the world is transformed from offline to online, the internet became the vital things now, and the consumption of the internet is so high, if we talk about India the government said Netflix, Amazon prime, youtube and other media platform to reduce the quality till SD ( standard definition) only.

The pain of software engineers are very high, if you belongs to the same domain then you can easily understand it, there are many surveys where most of the software engineers are trying to setup their own shop or other kind of business to resign the job, the mental pressure are very high and work pressure is on the top, also the work life balance are not good. Most of the engineers are having no time to spend with family and social life is completely zero, also the job security and safety is the major concern.

I have 8 years of working experience and currently working in Gurgaon based MNC, i do not have the work life balance well, and mental pressure is too high, and always becoming into the trouble of the job safety.

Please provide your comments.

Monday 7 December 2020

Khatushyam Darshan in the COVID 19 Situation

 Dear Readers,

This is COVID 19 situation, it is critical problem for all, the entire world is suffering with this problem, the year 2020 is infected itself, all the harmful activity happened in this year only, the Chinese virus CORONA, Armenia & Azerbaijan  war, Pakistani terror attack in the India, Pulwama attack, the year was almost the lockdown, currently India is the ruled by the strong government due to this the critical issues like terrorism, CORONA, China & Pakistan is easily handled, there is no doubt regarding the terrorism is in two front in front of the nation, the India is suffering with this issue, the terrorism from outside of the country spread by Pakistan & China, and terrorism from inside the nation, inside the country the terrorism is spread in many forms such as Love Jihad, Political Jihad, Civil services Jihad, Opposing on CAA, Social Media Jihad, Delhi Riots, Banglore riots etc.. This is truth and nobody can deny on it that the Islamic organization are always spreading the wrong facts and adding these facts with the religion to mind wash of the public,  it starts from the Mosque and Madarsa, now a days the social media became the great platform of these jihadis, in the facebook many of the muslims creates the fake account with the name of the Hindu and shares the anti Hindu contents, disturbing pics of the Hindu gods, chatting with Hindu girls etc... and these are the paid activities and i think this is also a Jihad. Now after many country like Iran, Indonesia, Egypt etc... the India is the playground for Gazwa-e-Hind mission of the Islam. During the 1947 time the India was having the Islamic issue therefore Pakistan has been created and again the same issue started happening, millions of Kashmiri pandits have been killed, girls have been raped  by the native Muslims of that place.

Anyways this is a big topic, i will write a separate blog for this.

This blog is not about the situation of the country and world, this is about the tour which is have completed recently, "Khatushyam Baba" temple, Sikar Rajastthan


If you are planning to visit in this situation then never forget to take the online ticket before going because the temple is open but only those people can go inside the temple who are having the online ticket. We were not that much lucky, because we went there without online ticket, and we did not went inside the temple, we have been only saw the temple from the main road, and did the worship there itself. Well, we have started journey at 07:47 AM morning from Gurgaon, it is almost 270 Kilometers to the Khatushyam temple, Sikar, Rajastthan. And my Hero Xpulse 200 was ready to go, we have reached the NH 48 almost 08:00 AM and started riding on the average speed 55KMPH, the great surroundings and mountain scenes are making the mood so entertaining, it was wonderful natural scenes both side of the highway. This was the first cool ride of my life, yes... it is cool ride, because i was not in hurry to reach the destination this time, i was enjoying the  ride, i have uploaded two videos of in my youtube channel, the first video is Khatushyam Darshan, Part-1, and second video is Khatushyam Darshan, Part-2, if you are watching the video then do not forget to subscribe the youtube channel.

The roads are wonderful and there is no complain i have in this context with Haryana and Rajastthan government, and the near by places of the Khatushyam is also developed and well decorated by keeping the huge rush of the devotees  in the mind. The stay are lot both side of the Ringas road towards the temple.

Whenever you are planning to visit Khatushyam in this situation, do no forget to discuss the current situation about the temple and terms and conditions from the helpline number or hotels or Dharmashala. I found that the hotels owners/staffs, Dharmshala Staffs, Shopkeepers are up to date regarding the temples information. So you just have to google the numbers of any Dharmashala or Hotel's and dial the number.

Thanks for reading the blog.

Do not forget to share the comments.

I love the riding and soon planning for the next ride, 

Nirmit Camp Life & Came back to Gurgaon

D ear readers, You knew that I have reached the Naukuchiatal in my previous blog, As everyone knows that the entire Uttarakhand is the place...