Tuesday 22 December 2020

The Power Of Silence

Dear Readers, If you are a reader then you are the person who can actually speak the power of silence, and if you are the writer then you are only the best person to say about it, this is my personal experience in this context, that the silence is really very magical, it provides us the best productivity ever, our silent behavior gives us everything whatever we need, and whatever we want. This is the COVID 19 situation , today heard the news that Britain is locked down again due to the second phase of the CORONA mutation, but this is the time to grow at home in all the context of the live, we can work on our health at home, work is already going on, the skills we can develop. But we all have the very limited time, actually we all have the same time limit, it cannot varies person to person in this planet at least, therefore we need to manage it at any cost, because time is very precious and once it pass it means it will never return, we all are moving forward in our life with the addition of the certain amount of the time in our life, therefore we all should invest our time to grow our self and to work for the society.

Now the most important question is how we will do and achieve these things, in this century the disturbance is more, because the huge amount of fast data availability and the mobile devices made the addiction of the electronic devices and these devices takes our attention and spoils our precious time, recently i have observed one thing in my life, i learned it from my experience, one day i was sad and i did not touched my mobile, i did not turned on my TV and did not played any video on youtube, i observed something which was magical, my performance was awesome, i have worked well that day, i have worked on my book and written the blog as well, in a single day i have worked a lot, and i have never observed this much productivity in my life before. At the end of the day i have think on this point, the question was "what happened to me today, what i did today which i have not done before in my life ?" the simple answer was i was completely silent, i have talked only few lines in the day, and felt the power of silence, usually i am a talky kind of person and i used to speak a lot in a day, and it distracts my mind, which reduces my productivity. Now i am decided  to keep my mind like this always, i will always try to speak as less as possible, if required only i will speak, because speaking is only not the things, our mind keeps processing the talks which we do with others, and our mind's maximum percentage involves on those data processing, and if we keeps our self silent, we speaks very less, we does not meets others without any work or we do not dial number of other to talk then we will save our time, the wastage utilization of the mind and many more things. 

Silence is only the root spell of the success,
     We always should perform silently on our work, whatever the target you set for you, and whatever the things you wanted to do in your life, just start working on it, leave everyone side, leave all the relation side, everything is destroyable and one day everything will be die, even we will also die, therefore do not connects yourself un-necessarily with anyone, and meaningless talk should never been done. I will always suggest you that speak as less as possible.

Our life is our life, we only need to fulfill the dream, no body will help us on it.

Silence is the medicine of success.

Perform silently on the productive work, and never try to entertain the meaningless talks.

Music is the medicine to boost the psycho system , better to sing the song instead of listen or do together.

Okay, Do one thing, just do the paratactical, just give your one day to me, and follow my above mantras ( spell), when you woke up at the morning, just keep your mouth shut and speak if only their is the need, you will observe the magical changes in your surroundings, whatever you wanted to do you can do those things very peacefully and smoothly.

Silence is also the best medicine of the psychology, it is a kind of meditation, if you keeps yourself silent for a longer time your body and soul will be stable and peaceful, this is my personal experience.

Just be silent and see the magical changes in your life.

When we are silent we connect our self with nature.

When we are silent we connect our self with the supreme god.

Silent is only the best way to do the yoga, meditation, kundalini Jagriti, boost the soul, siddhi etc...

Thanks for reading, follow me and share your comments.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Working from home is not easy

Dear Readers, COVID-19 is the disease of lots of learning, this pandemic changed the world completely, the way of looking of the many stuffs has been changed of the world, now most of the things happened digital, and people love to stay home now, now social distancing is the major concern, and it should be the, the government is spreading the slogan i.e "2 गज दूरी मास्क है जरुरी", because this is only the initial vaccine to save our self, world is working on create a good vaccine currently, this is the big challenge which world have after China's expansionist policy, hahaha... correct, China is continuously working on to spread their boarders and due to this issue world is under the threat, also the latest hobby is to be the world most powerful nation such as America, but i think America and Russia knew this and they are trying to make China down, but do know know... what will happen, China is really great threat for the world, now the terrorists coming to India from Pakistan contains the Chinese weapons, it means China supporting terrorists also or just selling the weapons to Pakistan and Pakistan doing the effective utilization of those weapons... anything is possible, Anyway this is not our topic, we will discuss about the "work from home".

How many of you working from home these days, some of you are okay for work from home because you have the fixed login time and logout time, you work gets completed or somehow your company fixed the time of it, but most of us are working 24x7 these days, there is only login time, but there is not logout time of it, I am working in an MNC and it is service based software company, i have two standup meeting in a day, login time is 9 AM and starts with the status call, after that we have again status call at 3:00 PM, then working till midnight for the morning status, this is the story of my work from home, and i think same is for many person, this is actually very hectic and manager thinks like this is lockdown period and people will not go anywhere, so they do not need to take leaves and need to go outside , it means the resources will remain in the home, and it means need to work, the employees are nothing more than a resource, hahaha... what the hell is this, we engineers are counted as resource i.e human resource, we are also human and we need the time to take rest, we need the leave to spend time with family, but it does not happens, most of the company have the policy for employee friendly and they actually wants to keep the employee tension free, but at the ground managers are actually dealing the things and everything the gets destroyed at this end, i do not know some managers are made with which soil, they are really amazing, leaves are like atom bomb for them, taking leaves means a kind of heart attack of him/hear... 😁 hahaha... It is true, if you have worked in many corporate companies then you must have faced such person in your life.

Following few main points i have noticed which is the major bullets during the WFH ( work from home) festival:

1. No time of logout
2. Work independently
3. Minimal support on any of the work item.
4. No leaves at all
5. Meeting any time
6. No breakfast
7. No lunch
8. No Dinner
9. Debug the issues during lunch/breakfast/dinner time.
10. No time for family
11. Work late night
12. Twice daily standup meeting
13. Long meetings and calls

What the hell is this life, 😆 Really, Since the lockdown i am thinking to setup a shop and resign, i am completely fed-up with all of this, Share your experience what do you faced, it is the critical time,  most of the companies firing their employees, there are thousands of the people are jobless, many IT companies fired their employees, and manager always takes the benefit of these news, we are also afraid in some extent, this is the critical point which is often raised by the manager in the meeting, so that we can work without any question continuously 24x7.

Earlier most of us were thinking to work from home, but now we are thinking about office, and waiting to be opened, so that we cannot work at weekends at least, this COVID situation changed the infrastructure and life of many people, now companies completely sure that the WFH is possible for the employee, and most of the things we can do online, the world is transformed from offline to online, the internet became the vital things now, and the consumption of the internet is so high, if we talk about India the government said Netflix, Amazon prime, youtube and other media platform to reduce the quality till SD ( standard definition) only.

The pain of software engineers are very high, if you belongs to the same domain then you can easily understand it, there are many surveys where most of the software engineers are trying to setup their own shop or other kind of business to resign the job, the mental pressure are very high and work pressure is on the top, also the work life balance are not good. Most of the engineers are having no time to spend with family and social life is completely zero, also the job security and safety is the major concern.

I have 8 years of working experience and currently working in Gurgaon based MNC, i do not have the work life balance well, and mental pressure is too high, and always becoming into the trouble of the job safety.

Please provide your comments.

Monday 7 December 2020

Khatushyam Darshan in the COVID 19 Situation

 Dear Readers,

This is COVID 19 situation, it is critical problem for all, the entire world is suffering with this problem, the year 2020 is infected itself, all the harmful activity happened in this year only, the Chinese virus CORONA, Armenia & Azerbaijan  war, Pakistani terror attack in the India, Pulwama attack, the year was almost the lockdown, currently India is the ruled by the strong government due to this the critical issues like terrorism, CORONA, China & Pakistan is easily handled, there is no doubt regarding the terrorism is in two front in front of the nation, the India is suffering with this issue, the terrorism from outside of the country spread by Pakistan & China, and terrorism from inside the nation, inside the country the terrorism is spread in many forms such as Love Jihad, Political Jihad, Civil services Jihad, Opposing on CAA, Social Media Jihad, Delhi Riots, Banglore riots etc.. This is truth and nobody can deny on it that the Islamic organization are always spreading the wrong facts and adding these facts with the religion to mind wash of the public,  it starts from the Mosque and Madarsa, now a days the social media became the great platform of these jihadis, in the facebook many of the muslims creates the fake account with the name of the Hindu and shares the anti Hindu contents, disturbing pics of the Hindu gods, chatting with Hindu girls etc... and these are the paid activities and i think this is also a Jihad. Now after many country like Iran, Indonesia, Egypt etc... the India is the playground for Gazwa-e-Hind mission of the Islam. During the 1947 time the India was having the Islamic issue therefore Pakistan has been created and again the same issue started happening, millions of Kashmiri pandits have been killed, girls have been raped  by the native Muslims of that place.

Anyways this is a big topic, i will write a separate blog for this.

This blog is not about the situation of the country and world, this is about the tour which is have completed recently, "Khatushyam Baba" temple, Sikar Rajastthan


If you are planning to visit in this situation then never forget to take the online ticket before going because the temple is open but only those people can go inside the temple who are having the online ticket. We were not that much lucky, because we went there without online ticket, and we did not went inside the temple, we have been only saw the temple from the main road, and did the worship there itself. Well, we have started journey at 07:47 AM morning from Gurgaon, it is almost 270 Kilometers to the Khatushyam temple, Sikar, Rajastthan. And my Hero Xpulse 200 was ready to go, we have reached the NH 48 almost 08:00 AM and started riding on the average speed 55KMPH, the great surroundings and mountain scenes are making the mood so entertaining, it was wonderful natural scenes both side of the highway. This was the first cool ride of my life, yes... it is cool ride, because i was not in hurry to reach the destination this time, i was enjoying the  ride, i have uploaded two videos of in my youtube channel, the first video is Khatushyam Darshan, Part-1, and second video is Khatushyam Darshan, Part-2, if you are watching the video then do not forget to subscribe the youtube channel.

The roads are wonderful and there is no complain i have in this context with Haryana and Rajastthan government, and the near by places of the Khatushyam is also developed and well decorated by keeping the huge rush of the devotees  in the mind. The stay are lot both side of the Ringas road towards the temple.

Whenever you are planning to visit Khatushyam in this situation, do no forget to discuss the current situation about the temple and terms and conditions from the helpline number or hotels or Dharmashala. I found that the hotels owners/staffs, Dharmshala Staffs, Shopkeepers are up to date regarding the temples information. So you just have to google the numbers of any Dharmashala or Hotel's and dial the number.

Thanks for reading the blog.

Do not forget to share the comments.

I love the riding and soon planning for the next ride, 

Sunday 1 November 2020

Darshan Ghat

Dear Readers, i am working on a book of 10 stories, the title of the book is "Darshan Ghat", i will capture the 10 rural stories which i observed since childhood in my village, this story is also of my village only, When i was in village in my school times the old person where telling these stories to us, we also experienced these things like real in our life, therefore i wanted to capture those stories in a document and wanted to share to everyone over the internet, it is good experience to have the stories with all, do not know if these characters or events are exact true or true in some extent, or it is completely false, but it was completely real for us when we were child and now also when i tried to memories those things it looks like real for us.

Following are the chapters which i am trying to capture:

1.Big hair devil under water

2.Darshan Ghat is calling

3.Kichchin ghost in tamarind tree - kids used to see

4.Bachpakara in mango garden

5.Bhulla in Rakkha Bari

6.Chudail in Mango bogla dhaar

7. Darshan Ghat calling for death

8. Manen Ghat siddhti meeting on Amavashya night

9. Banchar tree ghost of Rakkha bari

10. Fear of Jalebi tree

Currently this story book is in progress and it will take time to be completed, once the book will be finished i will first publish it on kindle and then i will do paper publish of it.

I am sharing the first story i.e "Big hair devil under water" in brief for you, so that you can get some interesting idea:

E01 (Flood, August-2002, Katihar, Bihar, India)

Today at 12 PM in the afternoon we all go to Manen Ghat to enjoy swimming.

We will play the game in the water,

"Jiten said to friends on the small bridge of the road in a very low voice

so that nobody can hear".

I will tell Manoj, Pampa, Motu and Sintu also "Golu said to Jiten"

There is a tree of Jalebi there, all  ripe pink-pink Jalebi are testy, we

will eat jalebi also, there is only one benefit to

visit there i.e nobody come to see the place, nobody has the dare to see

the people there, and today we will enjoy

more because one cremation happened yesterday evening there, therefore

nobody will disturb us "Jiten happily


At 12 PM i will whistle from here, then you understand the signal,

now i am going to home "Golu said"   

"This was the time of flood, water was everywhere, very less land was visible,

boats were the main medium

of transport, childrens like Golu, Jiten, Motu were enjoying the flood water,

they mostly playing games in the

water, they were good in swimming, Manen Ghat is a place where cremation happens

of this villagers, therefore

very less people have the dare to visit that place, mostly feels afraid to visit there,

this was only the reason for

which mostly childrens love to go there, Manen Ghat is near a small forest, and there was

lots of forest fruits

trees there like Jalebi and banchar (This might be the name used in the particular

location and not

understandable for everyone, but we are using this name to identify this fruit),

this forest was great place for the

children to hide the stuffs and hide themselves from their parents"

"A whistle sound is coming from the roads......."

Come fast "Golu gave indication to Jiten from the road, Golu was with all other 4 kids, Jiten gave indication to

move from their place towards Manen Ghat and he will come later"

Lets Run... I think Jiten's parents will know if we will be here, he will run and reach his destination...

just move from here now... "Manoj said everyone"

"They started running and reached a water crossing place, here dirt road was full of water, children know that

the water is not  upper  then their knee therefore crossed the water by running"

I have one idea, why don't we should take some banana trees to manen ghat, it will be great to play there, we

will go more deep water "Golu said.. to Manoj"

Banana tree, but from where we will get it ? i will not go to her place to take tree "Pampa said to Golu"

You are a coward Pampa, chill man... i and Manoj will go and take two small trees, it will be great if you all

will come so that a good boat we will make "Golu said"

Who is there "Female voice came from the house"

I told you to do not come here, badki mai ( "badki mai" means aunty) will know then will be big problem with us,

my papa will create drum music on my back, it is the time to leave this place "Pampa said, Pampa was very-very


Silent... do not speak anything, just sit silently "Golu said..."

I think it is good time to collect the banana trees from here, just pick the trees guys "Golu said"

"Everyone took one-one trees, and moved towards the Manen Ghat, Jiten was also coming to their place by

running very-very fast"

Now we need to collect the bamboo sticks or something which we can use to bind the banana trees to build the

boat "Jiten said..."

"Everyone looked at the surrounding places and searched for bamboo sticks, threads, ropes and creeper plants to

bind the banana trees, all kids started building the boat. The scene of the place was really appalling, the cremation

smoke was still coming from the burning woods, a big banyan tree was making the situation more horrible, the

overflowed river was just after the tree where kids were enjoying"

Everyone come to the boat, we will go to Darshan Ghat (Place where flood water was in aggression mode) from


we will find more joy there "Golu said on the boat, Golu indicated everyone to come on boat of banana tree"

the boat went inside the water and it is not visible, i think we kept more weight on it " Jiten said..."

Yes, it is true, but do not worry, it will not sink, we do not have to leave it at any condition "Golu said to everyone,

everyone was afraid because there were in the deep water on the boat of banana tree but boat was inside the water

due to heavy weight"

"The heavy flow of water took them into the middle of the flood where water was very deep and recently one boat

accident happened where 1 man died, they reached into the same place, children were being panic because there

was not a good situation to leave the boat, it was dangerous... swimming in such a fast flow was very difficult and

land was very very far from there therefore it was almost impossible to leave the banana tree boat..."

Pampa......!!!! What are you doing man..... come to boat... do not go, you will die... "Golu, Manoj, Sintu shouted,

because Pampa jumped from boat to the water, because he saw the plants in the water and he thought the less water

to stand there"

"The boat went ahead due to heavy flow of water from the Pampa, and Pampa started swimming towards different

side from the main flow of water, he saw the plants near the deep water and he thought there must be the

agriculture land and less water, but suddenly he got stuck into the middle of deep water and getting up-down there,

it was looking like someone catched his legs inside the water and trying to bring him down, the water must be

almost 50 feets deep to that place and water flow was very heavy but his position was constant, there must be

something inside the water"

Pampa..... Pampa................ I am coming, do not try to swim fast.... otherwise you will be tired and will sink,

go inside the water and see where your leg is stuck... it might be some grass... Go inside the water and see...

"Golu shouted...."

"Many people were into the bank of Darshan Ghat, they heard the sound and saw the scene, they started shouting,

the boat man ( professional boat man) started moving fast towards the place where Pampa was still struggling to

come out from the place, Golu jumped to from the banana tree boat and started swimming towards Pampa but

swimming opposite the flow of water is impossible task and he automatically flew to the flow direction. After a

few seconds the boat man reached the place where Pampa was struggling... he kept Pampa into the boat and took

to the bank of the river. Pampa was taking a heavy breath and very afraid, it was like he saw something strange


Bhoot.... Bhoot..... I saw Bhoot there  inside the water, there in the deep water I saw a live Bhoot, she has big red

eyes... her hair is very very long and white in color... she has a big long nose, she has 4 heads and 4 legs, her teeth

are very big like a cat... i saw bhoot "Pampa was crying and everyone was amazed... the villagers were present


The village proverb is looks like true, if this boy saw like this then he must not be alive but why she left alive him

"anyone from villager said in very low voice"

Pampa.... let's go home now, it is 2 PM, we should go home... "Sintu said..."

"Kids reached home, the villagers passed the information to the parents of all the kids, kids were beaten to their

home by parents for this activity..."

Pampa... tell me the truth... have you really saw the ghost inside the water or that was only the excuse "Jiten said,

it was 7 PM evening, all boys gathered on the road where small place was to sit and most of the boy used to gather"

I really saw, it was not my excuse, I will never go to that place now even though I will never go to enjoy flood

water now, I will take a bath in my home "Pampa said..."

It was a very horrible experience man, earlier this was a proverb for me and people used to say this for  Darshan

Ghat, but I never believed in it. now i saw it... I cannot forget the scene which I saw... I saw the old ghost catched

my both legs from her hair and she was laughing loudly... her red big eye was like a red light bulb, she had a big

big head... almost 25 years ago one death happened in the same place... you must have heard about that...

"Pampa said... everyone was very afraid and silent"

I think we should not go to enjoy the flood water now, because lots of death happens in Darshan ghat, this

Ghat is pulling us... we went to Manen Ghat to enjoy water but Darshan Ghat pulled us... it is not an incidence...

It is a plan... this Ghat is hungry for death and the souls of the people... at least we should not be a part of this

death... leave this thing guys, we will enjoy here in shallow water here itself...

Thank you for reading this story, a story made on the basis of social proverbs and people's words of village from

Bihar. Please share your comments.


Sunday 14 June 2020

Almost 1400 Kilometres long ride ( Gurgaon to Katihar )

Ride date : 5:13AM, 06-June-2020   to    3:00PM, 07-June-2020

Living dream is every one's cup of tea but what is the problem behind it, why everyone is not able to live their dream, this is million dollar question and it's answer is also million dollar, the main problem i noticed is two points:

    1. Caring about others and listing to others

    2. Do not provide 100% effort

Yes... i kept the "100% effort" point in second, the reason is effort is very necessary energy to do anything whatever you want to available in the life, but listening to others is actually a bad energy which creates a wall in front of you to restrict you for moving forward, and you will be afraid about the things after that you will not in the condition to take decision about anything in your life, you will be worried always regarding the results and people, your thinking will be transformed as "what people will think, if i fail then people must criticize etc..." If you really want to win the world then accept my suggestion "Never cares anyone". You must have heard one thing from your parents since your childhood i.e "Listen everyone but do only which you want", it is true, it is your life and you need to drive yourself, you are alone your teacher nobody is here to teach you each and every thing, your experience is the guide. The almost same thing i have completed recently, i am loving two things in my life first is "Write" and second is "Ride", writing is something which i do daily but ride is something which is occasional kind of activity because working Monday to Friday in office is very hectic time, after that we have only 2 days to complete the own work such as house cleaning and shopping, therefore i am running with the short of time for riding, i have bought "Hero Xpulse 200" bike for my riding dream, Okay... now i always wanted to go for long ride, therefore i was always finding the chance for living the city for hundreds of kilometres, finally got an opportunity in June-2020, it was the corona pandemic time, Indian government honorable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi announced the country lock down on 25-March-2020, my office was also told us to work from home, train, flight, bus, state borders etc... were closed and government appealed the nation to stay at home only, till almost 2 months we were locked at home (Gurgaon), now it was the time of "unlock-1" where government opened the state borders, few trains and flights,  IT companies were still focusing into WFH (Work from home) only, now it was good chance for people like us who works outside from home and visits native town once or twice in the year, but the challenges was the pandemic, we were not wanted to be infected because social distancing was the main factor to prohibit the infection. I wanted to come native town but my wife was not to come, i wanted to come with bike because travelling via train and flight is really not safe and we comes in the contact of the many peoples, therefore travelling with the own vehicle is good choice, therefore i wanted to come with the bike and riding bike to such a long distance ( 1400 KM almost) will fill my desire. Finally having discussed the same with my wife, she agreed, well... let me discuss the first attempt of this preparation... now we made a plan to leave Gurgaon on the early morning tomorrow, it was 23-May-2020,, i wanted to confirm few things from someone, such as "Pass is required or not" and "will we able to enter in Bihar border or not", it was the lockdown period, i have discussed with someone who already went Shivan district of Bihar from Noida with bike, he suggested me to do not go without pass, otherwise passing Bihar border will be a great challenge and might be the chance that we will be quarantine in the centers made with tent near the border area before entering into the Bihar, therefore we have changed our plan and it was cancelled.

The second attempt we mad on 4-June-2020, it was unlock period and all state borders were opened as explained few lines above, i took the leave on 5-June-2020 so that i can do some work on my bike and do some shopping for the kids who expects something from us when we will reach to the native home, so 5-June was full of preparation day, both of us worked hard and completed everything till evening and did the packaging overnight, finally we slept at 10 PM and wake up at morning 3:30 AM of 06-June-2020, it was the day when i was going to live my dream, finally we have completed all the work and completed packaging, then we took the luggage and came down towards the bike, took bike out from the home to the road, bound the luggage with bungee cots. It was 5:13 AM morning i set map into google.maps and then kept mobile in mobile bike holder, and set the mobile charging so that the battery  of the mobile cannot go down, i started the bike, now first thing was to fill up the petrol tank of the bike, i was riding bike with good speed therefore i was crossing the distance very very fast, my bike has not the good top speed but the speed was enough, it was maximum 100KMPH with full acceleration, i was riding in average 90 and sometimes 95KMPH speed. I was comfortable and enjoying the ride, but we were started feeling back pain after almost 400 kilometres, after that we started stopping in each almost 200 kilometres, i tried to cover maximum distance in the daylight and finally i have crossed Gorakhpur at evening, it was 4 PM, i had still 2 hours of daylight, i tried to cover more distance therefore i thought to travel, actually i was just watching the mobile screen to see the remaining kilometres, i was thinking to cover all the distance that day only, therefore i was not thinking about any hotels and anything to stay, but here i was actually my fault, i should also think about my wife, she was really needed rest and she wanted to stay, but i was pushing her to be seated in the bike, finally she said "i cannot sit in bike now, either book hotel or leave me here and go alone", then i started thinking seriously and looking for a stay, it was almost 9:30 PM and i was near Gopalganj, we were alone on the road and trucks were everywhere, i was also not comfortable to ride, the headlight of the bike is too bad and no lights were on the road, road's condition was also not good, i was guessing the road and riding bike, it was too dangerous experience, many times i took bike into big pit of roads, it was very very dangerous, now i had no option, i was not finding any good places to stay, even there were no street lights, only darkness was everywhere,  i was afraid this time. After an hours almost it was 11PM, we saw a good hotels in Mujaffarpur, we were happy to see the hotel, i have booked the room and did rest whole night, woke up at 7 AM morning, been fresh, ate something and did hotel checkout, after that we came down with stuffs and kept everything in the bike, and left Mujaffarpur, a new morning was complete fresh and full of energy to start new journey, after almost 4 hours we reached Purnia, my wife's elder brother came to meet us, we spent few hours there, we did lunch in a hotel. I just wanted to take a bath and a deep sleep because the roads of Bihar are very rough, and riding in such conditions is a very big task, I was not really enjoying riding on such roads, riding in such roads are like punishment. We finished all the meeting activity and lunch and left the hotel again, her brother also returned to their place, i reached my home almost 3 PM. I was tired, I just went to the washroom, took a bath, after that I took food and went to sleep.

I have covered almost 1400 kilometres, it was an awesome ride experience. The most panic situation was the tension of fuel, in Lucknow expressway the petrol pumps are in almost 100 kilometres of distance, i was not aware about this thing, i was running shortage of the patrol and i was not finding the patrol pumps, i  have slow the speed of bike and looking both side of the road, even i had 2 extra litres of the patrol in a bottle but still anxious about the petrol pump, i just wanted to full my petrol tank. I was in tension, after almost 40 kilometres i saw the patrol pump and went there refueled the bike, we also stayed there and ate something, we also needed break.

Another panic condition was riding into night, i have learned a lesson in this long ride, the lesson is "Never try to ride at night"... yes, we should not ride at night because it is very risky, few problem are visibility, trucks covers all space of the road, no shops of mechanic for bike issues etc... due to low visibility road pits are not clearly visible, stones and speed breakers are also not easily visible, there is also a chance that bike can collide to any other standing vehicle, highly chance of accident due to heavy truck also truck drivers are driving roughly and less cares about other small vehicle at night, the last one point which i observed which is "issues on bike", yes...  all shops including hotels are being closed, people sleeps, in this condition if any issue happens on bike or you need any help then you cannot even call to anybody, also many more fear about crime such as murder, robbery etc... 

Never ride at night... This is only the thing which should be considered for all the riders, I made this mistake and this was my first and last mistake, ride till day end after that book a hotel stay.

Above few points are very important, whatever... i have lived a dream and created a story of my life for sharing to others, to remember at old age and story of happiness, dare, will power etc... but what i think...! I think this was the start, i will do more long rides, i will do all India rides, if possible i will ride till Bhutan & Thailand.

That's all about my dream story.

Please share your comments.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Darshan Ghat Stories E02

This is the second story of the Darshan Ghat story series, the first story is available in this link Darshan Ghat Stories E01 ( 2002, Katihar, Bihar), the episode 1 was the year 2002, now episode 2 is the story of 25 years before 2002 it means 43 years before from 2020, this is the story which might be true, i am hearing this story since childhood, parents mostly used to share this story with kids to keep distance from Darshan Ghat and deep water, it might be the proverb only but this story was like real for us when we were kid.

43 Years before 2020, Dumaria, Katihar, Bihar

Place: Kantakosh, Manihari, Katihar, Bihar ( July - 1977)

Beta... where are you... come fast, Barati ( group of people who used to go with groom to the bride's home for marriage)  are waiting "Lady shouted from the meeting place outside the home"

Coming mom "Bittu Thakur said from the dressing room"

"Bittu came and sat in the car, all barati  went towards the bride place, everything happened well"

Bhimnagar Barrage released 15 feet water few minutes ago, soon flood will be everywhere, complete the rituals fast so that we can return the home soon “Someone said to  Bittu slowly in the low voice, the morning rituals of bride’s face seeing and gift giving was going on”

Bittu passed the same information to his father-in-law, once then this news came across to everyone, many local people ( bride village side people ) left the occasion and went to their own home for doing the necessary preparation for the flood disaster, the barati was also in hurry to come home, therefore things completed soon and all Barati sat on the car and came to their own village, Bittu was stayed in their law’s place because this is the Mithila’s ritual that the groom need to say 4 continuous days in the bride’s home just after marriage for completing the worships and the final worship is “Chaturthi” which is 4rth day of the marriage, then groom can return their own home with bride or alone,  there is one more ritual i.e “Gawana”,  this is the ritual where groom bring his bride to the home

How is your morning “Bittu asked to Simpi ( his wife )”

I am good, and your are also looking good “Simpi said with beautiful smile face”

Yesterday night we enjoyed a lot “Bittu said with excitement”

I don’t know “Simpi said and started coming out from the room”

But i enjoyed, you are hiding the fact, truth is... you also enjoyed my sexy baby “Bittu said and hold her in arms, took her to the bed, she was happy and shying”

Beta... the the horse-cart will arrive at 11 AM today “Father-in-law said to Bittu”

The necessary rituals happened, Bittu and Simpi sat on the horse-cart, the environment was very sentimental, the situation when daughter leaves her home to law’s home is the most sentimental time, where everyone weeps and cries. The horse-cart started running towards the Bittu’s home, It was the flood season... the water flowing everywhere. 

Bittu...! I never came outside from home earlier, now i will be seeing the world with you “Simpi said by holding his arm”

Yes... sure “Bittu said”

This is the first time i came this much away from home, even in school time we were spending time near the school and after that we directly returns to home, i always wants to look the world, i always wanted to touch and feel the beautiful world, now i will see the world with you, are you with me for this “Simpi said with smile face by holding Bittu’s arms”

Yes, i am with you always darling, see the place, only this road is visible remaining all lands are covered with water, how we will reach home safely “Bittu said, Simpi is looking the scenes of flood by putting her head on the arm of Bittu”

The horse-cart was running on the road, the road was surrounded with flood water, the rosewood tree was planted well with both side of road for the shadow in the summer season from the sunlight, the big trees were making the environment very cool and fresh, the flood water wave’s sound was very appalling. After a few hours they reached a broken road place,  now there was no place to move forward, the road was broken by the water force, and water was crossing at high speed, the villagers came and asked them about the place where they were going...

Do we have any boat or anything to cross the water? “Bittu said to one of the villagers?”

Yes, we have boat and we can cross all of you, also we will cross your horse cart, but my suggestion would be to stay here , do not go forward from here now, because the water level is increasing rapidly and  it is evening time, to you might face issues in the night “Villager said”

Thanks... that would be great if you bring boat for us, i will pay whatever you will demand “Bittu said”

I will not stay here, let’s go home, tell them to bring the boat “Simpi said slowly”

Okay, wait for at least 1 hours, we will bring boat, and till that time take your stuffs out from the cart and open the tie of horse from the cart, so that we can take this cart from this side to that “Villager said to Bittu”

Okay... remove horse from the card Chachu ( Uncle) “Bittu said to the person who were riding the cart”

Simpi and Bittu came out from the cart and took all the stuffs out, then 5 villager man came forward an slide the cart into the water, then they started swimming and pushing the cart into the water, they all five people was swimming with cart, they took a long path away from the high speed of water flow and then changed the direction of cart towards the other side, swimming near the main flow was difficult therefore they decided to swim where  less flow were present, villagers arranged a big boat, Bittu Simpi, horse and uncle all crossed the water crossing and tied horse again with the cart and then they started moving from that place.

I am completely tired, now in 4 to 5 hours we will reach, “Bittu said to Simpi, but Simpi was not replying, he saw that Simpi is slept”

The horse cart reached the home, Simpi was sleeping, Bittu pushed Simpi to wake up. Bittu’s mom came forward with the plate of Arati ( mustard oil lamp, paddy, rice, bahama grass, kumkum and sandal etc...), Aarati is the ritual of India for welcoming the newly married couple.

Few months later... 

Mom...  give me the stuffs, i need to go now, i am getting late “Bittu said from outside of the home”

Take these all stuffs and give it to the Mom, and also tell her my charansparsh ( Touch foot),  and  return soon Beta,  or you can take Bahu ( bride) also “Mom said to Bittu”

No Mom, it is okay, it is not good to take her to that place, that place is not good and black eyes and tantra mantra will badly affect her because she is bride, and your mom place is not a gentle place “Bittu said to Mom, Bittu was in hurry because he was getting little late to catch the train”

Bittu came to the Kantakosh railway station, he catched the train towards Katihar railway station, he catched the horse-cart in the railway station to go the village of his maternal , it was a memorable moment of him, this is the second time he came to the maternal village, he actually loves the place because he has many friends here with the good bonding therefore he most of the time been outside from the home and this was the reason he did not came with his wife because wife must puts the objection when he will be outside from the home, Bittu was very happy, he was sitting in the horse cart’s back side with the many more passengers with a small bag.

 Hey Bittu... It is good to see you here, How is your Dulhan ( bride) ? “Kapil... Bittu’s friend said”

Hahaha... she is good “Bittu said, he was shying”

How are all of you doing ? “Bittu said “

All of you... ? Oh okay... all of boys of this village are only enjoying the flood water, catching and eating fish, this is the daily routine, now you will be the part of our team, we will enjoy a lot  “Kapil said”

I am pro in swimming; i crossed Ganga many times “Bittu said to Kapil”

You must lying, you might be pro in swimming but crossing Ganga in this season is impossible, the Ganga is very very widest in this season, it is in several kilometers and very-very dangerous to swim,  don’t lie man “Kapil said by crossing the Bittu’s sentences”

I am not lying, i can swim oceans, i am shark “Bittu said and laughed”

That’s Good, we will meet at evening, you just entered in the village now you go, put your stuffs and do rest, i will come to your house at evening with all the friends “Kapil said”

Chutiya (Ass), he is still doing chutiyapa ( nonsense),  in this season no-body have dare to swim Ganga, it is too dangerous, we cannot even see the land from the naked eyes to the other side of the Ganga from one side, it is huge and very-very wide “Kapil said slowly to Kailash after few minutes”

Really man, he is impossible type person,  he always in competition “Kailash said to Kapil, both were sitting in small meeting place known as machan (made with bamboo and grass) known in India, this is the place where all young boys gathers at the evening time to discuss on all nonsense subjects for spoiling the time”

Evening 7:00 PM....

Bittu......  Bittu..... “Kailash calling from the main road “

I think he will not hear, noises coming from inside might the kids are doing study, the tution teacher are there that’s why they are not hearing, let me go inside “Kapil said to everyone, and started walking towards house”

Man... you are hearing Radio here, we were calling you from the main road, come... we will go Dagara ( a place where road were broken due to the overload of water, your lovely friends are waiting outside ”Kapil said and smiled”

My lovely friends, really... who all of them “Bittu said... he was smiling, Bittu said in the style like joking”

Kailash, Vyas and Fauji, they are your lovely friends... right ? “Kapil said in funny style” 

Buddy, it is not like that, you are also my lovable friend “Bittu said, both started laughing”

Bittu... Bittu.... come closer buddy, let me hug you, after a long long time we met man “Kailash said, hug everyone to Bittu”

All were very happy, Kailash and Vyas were in very joking mode,  Kailash was winking to Vyas for making jokes and making entertaining sentences.

I am pro bro, let’s go to Dagara, i am the champion of that place, we were swimming full day there and playing games in the water, you can never do like this, it is my challenge “Kailash said to Bittu in a very funny mode”

I know you are lying, you are always being activated in jolly mode, you must be joking man, i have no faith on you “Bittu said in very jolly way, and everyone started laughing”

All of them were walking towards Dagara, all of them were discussing and making fun of each other.

O my god, this side of the village is different view, the flood is looking very very different in moon light night with the water flowing sound “Bittu said in surprise style”

O, you are making poem man, are you in love “Kailash said and all of them started messing Bittu”

Yeah, he must started doing love with the wife, tell me some love story of your life “Vyas said, all of them was in very jolly mood, all were enjoying”

Nothing man, it was just an arranged marriage, we never met before, her father only came to my home for the relation, and then he shared the proposal for the relation, everyone became ready and fixed a date for this, and then happened “Bittu said in little shy”

You must hiding something,  i know it is not so simple, there must be some story man, tell me the truth, tell me, tell me “Kapil said, and after that everyone started telling the same thing”

No man, nothing like this, it was completely arranged, i met her only at the marriage day “Bittu said”

Okay, tomorrow we have a plan to enjoy the water in Darshan Ghat,  will you join us ? “Kailash said to Bittu”

Mother said me to do not swim anywhere in the flood water, i will not join “Bittu said “

O, you still obey your mother’s word, mother’s baby, you must obey the wife’s word, tell us the truth, tell us... “Kailash said, everyone was enjoying, everyone was shouting”

Mother means mother only, nobody else “Bittu said”

Make some enjoyment man, there is nothing in the life, we all have a small life and we should not waste it, we should make noises and enjoyments in this “Kailash said in very very excitement”

Yes Bittu, you must come, i think he do not have dare to swim in the local small lakes, and he is saying that he is the champion of Ganga river “Vyas said to everyone, actually Vyas was provoking to Bittu to swim and play games on water”

I do not want to come buddy, forgive me, you all carry on “Bittu said clearly”

Ok fine, if you do not want to go inside the water then it is okay, but at least you can come with us and there if you can make some decisions, i think that would be okay “Kailas said”

Okay, tomorrow which time “Bittu said”

11 AM “Vyas said”

Okay, fine, we will meet tomorrow then “Bittu said”

This is the flood situation therefore lots of people are enjoying the night here, but in other days this place must would be like horrible place, i also heard many stories about this village, is all of them are true “Bittu said”

Yes, whatever you must heard are true, in our village few ladies are doing magics, all people are having doubt on them but no body has dare to come forward and catch, do you want to see this magics then you need to wait for Amawashya ( dark moon lunar phase), we will show you something that day, also complete you sleeps at day time only “Kailas said and smiled”

Is that pipal tree “Bittu said and indicated finger straight direction”

Yes, that is Pipal and banyan tree, Fouji has some stories related to that tree, he must should share, his home is also very closer to here “Vyas said”

Yes, Stories, that is the place where devil resides, also that place is the point where all siddhi and worship to get powers is happens at the Diwali and Amawashya time, so be ready for Amawashya, we all will show you something you never seen before and only heard in stories “Fauji said”

I am little afraid, is it really true, if they will see us then what happen “Bittu said”

They must not see us, we will be hidden, if they will see us then we all will die, nobody can save us in that case “Vyas said”

Okay, do you have a torch ? focus it on the tree “Bittu said to Kailas”

Kailas focused the torch on the pipal tree, they were in distance almost 100 metres but the torch were having good focus, therefore they were able to see the tree and leafs 

Don’t focus man, devil will be wake up, and will be problem for us, switch off the torch “Vyas said”

I think we should move from here now, let’s go to home “Bittu said”

Hahaha, you are afraid, there is nothing like to be afraid man, this is our village and we know very well, in case if we will be affected with Ghost then Chichai uncle will save us, do not take any tension “Kailas said”

No man, i am not taking tension, people from home must waiting for us for the dinner, let’s go “Bittu said”

What kind of people you became, nobody is waiting for you, this is village and you are not in America, here people eat alone and never waits for anybody “Kailas said”

Whatever, i need to go home “Bittu said and started walking towards the home”

Bittu started walking towards the home, and the remaining people were surprised by what happened to him. All three ran and reached the Bittu.

What man, why you are overreacting, we are your friends, and this is truth, go home and check, all off them must ate “Kailas said”

Do not force me for anything, actually i don’t like to being forced, they ate or not but at dinner time i want to be present in front of him always “Bittu siad”

Okay, Okay,  my intelligent guy, enjoy the night, we will meet tomorrow “Vyas said”

Everyone were walking on the road, nobody were talking, there were silence, Fauji took left cut and went inside the home, after few meters Bittu took left cut from the road and walking,

 Bye Bye Bittu, we will meet tomorrow, just check if they did not wait for you, tell us tomorrow “kailas and vyas shouted”

Aunty, where all went “Bittu said to maternal aunty”

All of them are slept “Aunty said”

 Yes, only you and i are left “Aunty said”

Kailas was right, what kind of people here, nobody is waiting for other for food, here might be my fault only i should not go anywhere at the time of dinner “Bittu was in deep thinking, he was thinking these things”

Bittu’s maternal aunty took the food in the plate and came to dining place, and kept the plate

Go and be fresh, i am waiting for dinner “Aunty said to BIttu”

Bittu went to the hand pump place and washed the hands and feet with soap.

Only you were waiting for me aunty, you should not be hungry, you should take food instead of waiting “Bittu said”

No Beta, this is not the Indian culture, ladies are like goddess Lakshmi, we have to eat at the end of all family member, hence we cannot eat “Aunty said to Bittu”

They were eating, there was no electricity in the village, the Lalten ( Kerosene Oil lamp) is only the way of light, and people use torch of batteries for other works while travelling or doing agriculture stuffs

 Next day morning...

Bittu wake up early at 4 AM, he was walking on the door area, he was actually thinking something about the home

I must go home soon, Simpi must remember me, she must miss me, she must want to talk to me, but there is no way to talk to her, today i will send a letter to her. You don’t know darling how much I miss you, I never wanted to leave you alone, but relationships should also be maintained, soon I will come. “Bittu was thinking while walking”

Now Bittu broke a small thick stick of Neem tree for tooth cleaning ( Known as Datun in India), and washed the stick, and took it into his mouth. And started walking towards Dagara, where yesterday evening he went, he saw the situation of floods and that Pipal tree.

I must be watching the siddhi activity and ladies for worship this time, i will not miss it. Don’t know when i will come next time “Bittu thought in his mind”

When this flood will be completely end and all water will be wiped out from here “Bittu asked from someone of the village, that man was taking out the fish from the net in the water”

It will take 3 months at least, but flow will be end in 1 months completely, we are also working on to create a bamboo bridge on the top of this road cut, so that people can cross the road easily, every year this kind of situation happens “The villager said”

Is this area is of Siddhi or some black magics, this place is affected by any ghosts “Bittu said”

Yes, this area is not good, therefore never come after 9 PM here, actually many people  are affected with some negative energy and many people died here “Villager said”

If i want to investigate this scene then how we will do this, i mean i want do see from my eyes, how we need to do “Bittu said”

My suggestion is for not try, do not try to investigate this things and do not come here at night, this is not good place, this area is affected with devils as well as gods, therefore we can be affected with any thing “Villager said”

Hmmmm, you are slightly right, i am also thinking the same “Bittu said”

Bittu came to the house, completed nature's call and all related stuff, then took the tea.

After few hours, Kailas, Vyas and Fauji called Bittu from the main road, Bittu took the towel and went towards

Today we will enjoy “Kailas said”

Not we will enjoy, you guys will enjoy, i will not enjoy anything “Bittu said”

Making us fool, you must lying, why you took towel then “Kailas said”

Man, i just took it, but i will not go inside the water “Bittu said”

They reached the place, they put their cloths under the banyan tree, and went inside the water except Bittu

Come Bittu, you will enjoy man “Vyas said”

No, i am fine here, you guys carry on “Bittu said”

All of them were enjoying and swimming in the water, they took a boat and were playing with it in the deep water, the water flow was great, the spread of the flood was very wide, only few trees were visible other side of the Darshan ghat no village and lands are clearly visible

 It looks like we are in an Island, all side of this land is water only, there is no way of going outside with the roads, only boat is the way to go, is this Ghat is really dangerous  “Bittu thoughts”

Are you boat man, i mean is this your boat “Bittu said to someone”

Yes, this is my boat, and i am riding boat and crossing people from this side to other side and took 25 paise each “boat man said”

You stay here at night also “Bittu said”

Yes, day and night, both time i and my father both stay here itself, we sleeps here at night, and whosoever comes they call us and we cross them the water “Boat man said”

Have you ever seen anything paranormal here at night “Bittu said”

Many things, the Manen ghat is very near from here and we can see with naked eyes, see that side, that big banyan tree is the Manen Ghat, in that ghat all Hindu cremation happens, noises coming from that side, sometimes we observes the people walking surrounding us, we see people walking here someone fishing but those are not the real human, and we never used to talk or call even if we cross near them also “Boat man said”

Then, if you try to talk them or call them then what will happen “Bittu said”

Then we will die that time only “Boat man said”

Why “Bittu said”

Because those might be the ghosts or might be the god, we don’t know, sometimes in these situations all kind of these energies comes walks here “Boat man said”

Anything inside the water you felt “Bittu said”

Yes, inside the water there are many old stories we heard from the older person of this village, i personally never felt anything but day before yesterday only one man died here, he was crossing on the boat and he fall down, when he came up he was dead, but he was an expert swimmer, how he can be die in this water, therefore people are making these kind of stories or don’t know the reality also “Boat man said”

You were in the boat that time “Bittu said”

No, i was not there in the boat, i was doing lunch there, he was in very hurry, i told him to wait for some times but he took another person from this side, that person was known , he is from this village only, i also know him, he know to pull the boat, that uncle took him and started going and suddenly he fall down from the boat, he fall down to that place where these on big hair ghost lives, that part of the lake is very deep we say “Kundi” ( deepest portion of lake) in village language “Boat man said by indicating one place in the lake”

All death happens in that place only ? “Bittu said”

Yes, all deaths are happens in that place only, this is also one of the reason so that the proverbs are being proved, never go that side, i also never took the boat that part, but that person was new and he never believe on these things, therefore he took the boat to that side. Nobody swims that side also. People are saying there is a old lady under the water, she had a big head and huge long massive hairs, she usually throw the hairs to pull the people from the water to inside, she has a big yellow eye and massive body, she has the power of disappear, and she lives in pataal lok ( the place inside the earth where devils and evils lives), she love to kill man, she is here since almost 100 years “Boat man said”

You made me afraid, i think it is my good decision to do not get into the water “Bittu said”

I mean that side of the lake is more dangerous but here you can enjoy “Boat man said”

I always love to enjoy this kind of flowing water, i love to swim in the direction of the water flow and with a little labour we can come to the bank, it is great enjoyment, i want to go inside now “Bittu said”

Yes, you can go and enjoy “Boat man said”

Kapil, I am also coming “Bittu said loudly”

All of the boys in the water started shouting, they all enjoyed a lot there, finally they came out from the water, Bittu was looked towards the Manen Ghat and the place where boat man pointed a long hair devil, he felt something strange, they all came back to home after a long time. From this day Bittu were feeling something strange, he were hearing some strange voices, it was like some female voice is calling him, initially he thought like this must be the voice of his psycho system, and nothing reality, but slowly slowly he came to know that this is not the virtual thing, it is real, he was hearing the voices in days and nights, Bittu discussed the same with the maternal aunty and also written a letter to his home to his wife. Most of the time when he was coming near the flood water that time he was hearing the voice, but Bittu was waiting for the Amawashya night and wanted to see the things. After a few days the Amawashya night came. Kailash, Vyas and Fauji were there on the main road and wanted to bring Bittu.

He must not know about today, why didn’t you speak him in the day about today’s nights activity, he must slept man “Vyas said”

I thought you will say, that’s why i didn’t “Kailas said”

How i can say man, my home is very far from here, and it is difficult to come here for me, at least Fauji should say”Vyas said in a very jolly style, he was actually passing the blame to Fauji”

Do not tell me anything, i am not interested in these things, you are my friends that’s why i am here “Fauji said, he said in funny style”

Now what we need to do, think something “Fauji Said”

Now we need to go inside and the we call Bittu, but i don’t know where he slept, i mean where is his bed “Vyas said”

Kapil must know where is his bed, we need to know first then we will go and push Bittu only otherwise people must will understand that we are thief and we will be beaten badly “Kailas said”

Yes, right, in this case what we should do “Vyas said”

Let’s move to Kapil’s house “Kailas said”

His house is far from here it is almost 1.5 kilometers, why don’t you leave this idea for today, we will do it tomorrow “Fauji said”

No man, today is special night, and we need to show these things to Bittu “Kailas said”

See, i know a shortcut way almost 400 or 500 mitres will be distance using that, but the way is little horror and full of darkness, and i do not have the torch also, so let’s go “Vyas said”

This is so dangerous way, we cannot see each other in this darkness and guessing the path to walk because it is not clearly visible “Kailas said”

Will we go through that “Imli Tree” ? “Kailas said”

Yes, we will pass that “Imli tree” “Vyas said”

That tree is the home of kichchin’s and more devils, you know that “Kailas said”

Yes, but have you ever seen her ? i mean have you ever seen kichchin ( a lady devil) “Vyas said”

No, but she exists and nobody goes to that tree at night, many of the people reported the same “Kailas said”

We will run when we will reach near tree “Vyas said”

After a few minutes all of them reached near the Imli Tree, Fauji and Kailas saw the tree by standing in a minutes, they analyzed and imagined the devils, then they ran from that place, and crossed the forests, they reached the Kapil’s home by crossing the mango garden and agriculture fields, dogs were started barking by looking these guys in this time ( almost 10:30 PM).

Vyas will go and take Kapil here, then we will go to the Bittu’s home without any late, actually we are getting late, do it fast “Kailas said”

Vyas went inside, he saw the deep darkness in the door of Kapil, there were no people voice, one radio was on and song was being played, but there were must no people is waked, the gate was made with the bamboo sticks and grasses, Vyas opened the gate silently and went inside slowly slowly like a thief, finally he reached to the room where Kapil sleeps, Vyas slowly pushed Kapill with his hand and called “Kapil, i am vyas, wake up” but he was no hearing, then Kapil burned the dibiya (kerosene oil small lamp), and pushed the Kapil so that he cannot afraid from the Ghosts because it was extraordinary darkness, after few minutes Kapil wake up, Kapil took a small torch  and came to the main road with Vyas.

What happen to you guys, this time you came here “Kapil said”

Yes, it’s an urgent buddy, i think you must forget about today “Kailas said”

Yes, we should meet at day time for this all and should make any proper plan, but sudden execution is not a good way, i was in deep sleep man “Kapil said”

See, we need to go dagara and near places of that, and we need to take Bittu also, he never seen such things before, even we also never seen, we have almost 1.30 hours left from now till 12 PM the things will be activated and start, before that we need to wake the Bittu so do not do late “Kailas said”

Okay, let’s go “Kapil said”

This time we will go via main road, even it is long “Fauji said”

After few minutes, all of the boys reached Bittu’s home, then Kapil went inside, there was a big window and near of that Bittu used to sleep, Kapil called him few times, BIttu wake up but he was afraid therefore not replying the voice, he thought the voice of Ghost, then he saw a man standing near the window, this time Bittu focused and waiting for the next voice, that image said “i am Kapil Bittu, Kailas, Vyas and Fauji are in the main road, today is Amawashya and we had a plan for it” , BIttu was no still believing on this, then Bittu took the torch and throw the lights on him.

It is really you Kapil “Bittu said”

Yes man, don’t be afraid, come fast “Kapil said”

Bittu came to the door area, washed the face with hand pump water, and came to the main road, now all of them started moving towards Dagara.

11:20 PM, Dagara

This is the time of the movement, we need to hide here in the grass and we will see everything from here, on thing is to remember, that never call or  use your voice for anything “Kailas said”

Bitttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......... Come.... I am waiting for you “A female voice came from the direction of flood water to Bittu’s ear”

Can i ask something, i just hear a voice, the voice is coming from that direction, it is a female voice, the voice is calling me again and again, this is very clear voice for me, i am sure you guys have not been heard “Bittu said”

You must afraid, you are making stories, there is nothing like this, believe me we will return from here in a hours “Kailas said”

Most of the time when i am being near the water, i mean lake or flood water that time only i hear this voice, so can we hide somewhere else where these flood water is not flowing “Bittu said”

Yes, come, we will go to that place, these flowing waters are little far from that place “Vyas said”

All boys were almost 10 meters far from that tree, so they were able to see the activities very clearly with naked eyes. 7 ladies were coming towards the tree by running on the main road, they all been stopped to that Pipal & banyan tree, then all of them removed their saree and been completely nude, ladies were not looks like human because they are having a different level of fury on their face, ladies were not shying a little, they all used sindoor ( red color powder used in India) to throw to each other’s body, then they burned the diya ( musterd oil candle) and put to worship stuffs on the surface of earth, 6 ladies out of 7 were almost 24 to 26 years old only and 1 lady was almost 45 years old, all of them were beautiful and having a slim and shiny body, all of them having a perfect body figure with the proper shapes of each parts, they were moving body like they are demanding for sex. Ladies have shiny black eyes, a big eye was beautiful. It was like a fairy eye. After a few minutes the big one lady filled the water in 7 glasses from a big jar and told me to drink, they all drank the water, then they got into the tree.

It is 4:30 AM now guys, ladies have not been came down from the tree yet, we should move from here or not “Kailas said”

Lots of people surrounding us are walking, people are sat in that side, i think we can move from here now, we are safe and i think they are not on the tree now “Vyas said”

Yes guys, let’s move from here slowly slowly, once we will reach the main road then we will run towards the cut “Bittu said”

All of them moved from there, and reached the main road, and then started running towards the village, after a few minutes they reached the place where the road is broken and flood water was flowing, till now a bamboo bridge has been settled to cross the broken road, they stopped there.

We are almost 100 meters far from the tree, we should wait here till the sun rise, and after that we will go to tree, till that time we will monitor the tree, i must believe that those ladies are still on the tree because we have not been seen them to come down “Bittu said”

Yes, i think we should wait here and closely monitor the tree “Vyas said”

One question i have, is these ladies are from this village “Bittu said”

No Man, we never seen these ladies before, these ladies are not from this or i think any near village “Kailas said”

They were looking to our side where we have been hidden, man i was so afraid, i thought they must know that we are here, and they must saw us “Bittu said”

No man, if they had any doubts then we must be dead till now, but we are alive, it means they must not see us “Kailas said”

I wish the same “Bittu said”

Sun rise happened guys, now we can go to that tree, and see the things i don’t think they are here now, i am confirmed that the ladies must went from the tree, let’s go to near the tree “Kailas said”

No body is there in the tree, where and how they disappeared, we have only seen them to get up but did not noticed to get down, they must are not human “Bittu said”

Yes, now move from here, and never disclose these things to anyone “Kailas said”

After this incident all of them returned home, and slept.

Next day morning, 

Aunty... tomorrow i will return to my home, now flood is also decreasing and water level is going down, it is good situation to go home now “Bittu said”

Okay Beta, you can go, your wife must missing you a lot, you should return “Aunty said”

Kailas, Kapil, Vyas and Fauji came to Bittu’s place and told him to join for the last enjoyment of this year, Bittu became ready and all of them went to Darshan Ghat

Today we will do some swimming challenges, i think everyone is pro here in swimming and Bittu is the champion of it “Kailas said”

Yes, i am champion, i have crossed Ganga river many times, this is a small Darshan ghaat man, i will cross it definitely, therefore do not challenge me “Bittu said by making fun on it”

No, we just start swimming at a same time and the person who will win that side ( other side of Darshan Ghat” “Vyas said”

The target is very near man, take it little far, i can cross that kundi also “Bittu said in very excitement “

No man, that kundi is not good, one ghost is living there inside , we will not cross it “kailas said”

I will try to cross and will make a new record, you guys are also coming with me “Bittu said”

No man, we will not come, we know to swim but we are not that much expert that we can cross this much wide and dangerous water “Vyas said”

Do not try Bittu, what happened to your mind, are you crazy, your wife is waiting in your home, at least think about her, do not try “Kapil said”

It is the matter of only 30 minutes, i will make a new record in the history of this village, after that i am free to go anywhere, do not take any tension man, i will definitely cross and i also want to check and feel the things in the Kundi “Bittu said in a very good excitement”

 I think you lost your mind, let’s go home, we will not stay in Darshan ghat “Vyas said”

I crossed Ganga, just think about it, i crossed Ganga and this is a small seasonal lake, this is nothing in front of me “Bittu said”

What happened to you man, what kind of words you are using, do not say like this, we are going home, come out from the water, this is 12 PM and this is not good time, this is the time when lot’s of negative energies comes out and affects humans, i think you are also affected by something, let's go home “Fouji said”

I am going “Bittu said and moved towards the deep water”

Return Bittu, do not go “Kapil said loudly”

Fouji... go faster and tell boatman to come with boat, he must be in danger there, search the boatman where is he, go find him, he must be in that hut “Kapil said”

All guys were wiping body with the towel and changing their clothes, till that time fouji found the boatman

Our on of the friend is trying to make record and he started swimming towards that Kundi, he is trying to cross the lake, we need to protect him, let’s move faster, he is there near about the kundi, come fast “Fouji said to the boat man”

All of the boys sat on the big boat and started moving towards the Bittu, he was clearly seen from the boat, till that time he reached the Kundi, Bittu dive to swim faster, the boat reached to the Kundi but Bittu was still under the water, almost 5 minutes have been crossed but he was still inside the water, all guys were looking all side but he was not being seen, many villagers noticed the scene, many villagers was started coming towards Kundi with net on the boat, now one thing was confirmed that he must died, but how a person can be stable in the flowing water, therefore few of them had doubt that he must flowed and went somewhere ahead towards the direction of flow, therefore few boats moved to search him little ahead in the direction of water, few of villagers were saying like he might be alive but flowed away due to the force of water flow so need to search him that side, after a long time no body found him, finally few swimmers started diving into the kundi from the boat by holding stones on hand so that diver can go more inside the water, they have been used the net to get the Bittu up if he is inside, after an hours almost a diver saw a body coming up under the water, then diver came up and told everyone that one body is coming up i saw inside the water the body is completely covered with black hairs, his eye was completely yellow, they all did wait, but body was not coming up, the diver again dive and saw the black hair is slowly slowly leaving the body but the body was in more deep of the water therefore diver was not able to catch the body.

I am still able to see the body inside, but it is beyond my reach, i am seeing that the black long hair which is currently wrapped up the body is leaving slowly slowly “diver said to everyone “

Throw the net here “The boatman said”

One of the villager who came with the fish net, throw the net in the water and pull it, the Bittu’s body came up, he was dead

All the boys was in shock, all of the boys returned to the bank of the lake with the body, the information reached to the Bittu’s maternal house, maternal uncle and aunty came to the Darshan ghat

This is the story which is never recorded and never written by anyone, therefore it became the story and proverbs, after the decades people are forgetting these stories, also the Darshan ghat is not like the earlier, because the rivers are completely bounded with the big dam therefore floods are not coming every year, now this seasonal lake is almost dried and very very less water is available, the size of it is almost 1/10.

Thanks for your patience, your comments will be appreciating me, please leave your comments

Nirmit Camp Life & Came back to Gurgaon

D ear readers, You knew that I have reached the Naukuchiatal in my previous blog, As everyone knows that the entire Uttarakhand is the place...