Dear Readers, i am working on a book of 10 stories, the title of the book is "Darshan Ghat", i will capture the 10 rural stories which i observed since childhood in my village, this story is also of my village only, When i was in village in my school times the old person where telling these stories to us, we also experienced these things like real in our life, therefore i wanted to capture those stories in a document and wanted to share to everyone over the internet, it is good experience to have the stories with all, do not know if these characters or events are exact true or true in some extent, or it is completely false, but it was completely real for us when we were child and now also when i tried to memories those things it looks like real for us.
Following are the chapters which i am trying to capture:
1.Big hair devil under water
2.Darshan Ghat is calling
3.Kichchin ghost in tamarind tree - kids used to see
4.Bachpakara in mango garden
5.Bhulla in Rakkha Bari
6.Chudail in Mango bogla dhaar
7. Darshan Ghat calling for death
8. Manen Ghat siddhti meeting on Amavashya night
9. Banchar tree ghost of Rakkha bari
10. Fear of Jalebi tree
Currently this story book is in progress and it will take time to be completed, once the book will be finished i will first publish it on kindle and then i will do paper publish of it.
I am sharing the first story i.e "Big hair devil under water" in brief for you, so that you can get some interesting idea:
E01 (Flood, August-2002, Katihar, Bihar, India)
Today at 12 PM in the afternoon we all go to Manen Ghat to enjoy swimming.
We will play the game in the water,
"Jiten said to friends on the small bridge of the road in a very low voice
so that nobody can hear".
I will tell Manoj, Pampa, Motu and Sintu also "Golu said to Jiten"
There is a tree of Jalebi there, all ripe pink-pink Jalebi are testy, we
will eat jalebi also, there is only one benefit to
visit there i.e nobody come to see the place, nobody has the dare to see
the people there, and today we will enjoy
more because one cremation happened yesterday evening there, therefore
nobody will disturb us "Jiten happily
At 12 PM i will whistle from here, then you understand the signal,
now i am going to home "Golu said"
"This was the time of flood, water was everywhere, very less land was visible,
boats were the main medium
of transport, childrens like Golu, Jiten, Motu were enjoying the flood water,
they mostly playing games in the
water, they were good in swimming, Manen Ghat is a place where cremation happens
of this villagers, therefore
very less people have the dare to visit that place, mostly feels afraid to visit there,
this was only the reason for
which mostly childrens love to go there, Manen Ghat is near a small forest, and there was
lots of forest fruits
trees there like Jalebi and banchar (This might be the name used in the particular
location and not
understandable for everyone, but we are using this name to identify this fruit),
this forest was great place for the
children to hide the stuffs and hide themselves from their parents"
"A whistle sound is coming from the roads......."
Come fast "Golu gave indication to Jiten from the road, Golu was with all other 4 kids, Jiten gave indication to
move from their place towards Manen Ghat and he will come later"
Lets Run... I think Jiten's parents will know if we will be here, he will run and reach his destination...
just move from here now... "Manoj said everyone"
"They started running and reached a water crossing place, here dirt road was full of water, children know that
the water is not upper then their knee therefore crossed the water by running"
I have one idea, why don't we should take some banana trees to manen ghat, it will be great to play there, we
will go more deep water "Golu said.. to Manoj"
Banana tree, but from where we will get it ? i will not go to her place to take tree "Pampa said to Golu"
You are a coward Pampa, chill man... i and Manoj will go and take two small trees, it will be great if you all
will come so that a good boat we will make "Golu said"
Who is there "Female voice came from the house"
I told you to do not come here, badki mai ( "badki mai" means aunty) will know then will be big problem with us,
my papa will create drum music on my back, it is the time to leave this place "Pampa said, Pampa was very-very
Silent... do not speak anything, just sit silently "Golu said..."
I think it is good time to collect the banana trees from here, just pick the trees guys "Golu said"
"Everyone took one-one trees, and moved towards the Manen Ghat, Jiten was also coming to their place by
running very-very fast"
Now we need to collect the bamboo sticks or something which we can use to bind the banana trees to build the
boat "Jiten said..."
"Everyone looked at the surrounding places and searched for bamboo sticks, threads, ropes and creeper plants to
bind the banana trees, all kids started building the boat. The scene of the place was really appalling, the cremation
smoke was still coming from the burning woods, a big banyan tree was making the situation more horrible, the
overflowed river was just after the tree where kids were enjoying"
Everyone come to the boat, we will go to Darshan Ghat (Place where flood water was in aggression mode) from
we will find more joy there "Golu said on the boat, Golu indicated everyone to come on boat of banana tree"
the boat went inside the water and it is not visible, i think we kept more weight on it " Jiten said..."
Yes, it is true, but do not worry, it will not sink, we do not have to leave it at any condition "Golu said to everyone,
everyone was afraid because there were in the deep water on the boat of banana tree but boat was inside the water
due to heavy weight"
"The heavy flow of water took them into the middle of the flood where water was very deep and recently one boat
accident happened where 1 man died, they reached into the same place, children were being panic because there
was not a good situation to leave the boat, it was dangerous... swimming in such a fast flow was very difficult and
land was very very far from there therefore it was almost impossible to leave the banana tree boat..."
Pampa......!!!! What are you doing man..... come to boat... do not go, you will die... "Golu, Manoj, Sintu shouted,
because Pampa jumped from boat to the water, because he saw the plants in the water and he thought the less water
to stand there"
"The boat went ahead due to heavy flow of water from the Pampa, and Pampa started swimming towards different
side from the main flow of water, he saw the plants near the deep water and he thought there must be the
agriculture land and less water, but suddenly he got stuck into the middle of deep water and getting up-down there,
it was looking like someone catched his legs inside the water and trying to bring him down, the water must be
almost 50 feets deep to that place and water flow was very heavy but his position was constant, there must be
something inside the water"
Pampa..... Pampa................ I am coming, do not try to swim fast.... otherwise you will be tired and will sink,
go inside the water and see where your leg is stuck... it might be some grass... Go inside the water and see...
"Golu shouted...."
"Many people were into the bank of Darshan Ghat, they heard the sound and saw the scene, they started shouting,
the boat man ( professional boat man) started moving fast towards the place where Pampa was still struggling to
come out from the place, Golu jumped to from the banana tree boat and started swimming towards Pampa but
swimming opposite the flow of water is impossible task and he automatically flew to the flow direction. After a
few seconds the boat man reached the place where Pampa was struggling... he kept Pampa into the boat and took
to the bank of the river. Pampa was taking a heavy breath and very afraid, it was like he saw something strange
Bhoot.... Bhoot..... I saw Bhoot there inside the water, there in the deep water I saw a live Bhoot, she has big red
eyes... her hair is very very long and white in color... she has a big long nose, she has 4 heads and 4 legs, her teeth
are very big like a cat... i saw bhoot "Pampa was crying and everyone was amazed... the villagers were present
The village proverb is looks like true, if this boy saw like this then he must not be alive but why she left alive him
"anyone from villager said in very low voice"
Pampa.... let's go home now, it is 2 PM, we should go home... "Sintu said..."
"Kids reached home, the villagers passed the information to the parents of all the kids, kids were beaten to their
home by parents for this activity..."
Pampa... tell me the truth... have you really saw the ghost inside the water or that was only the excuse "Jiten said,
it was 7 PM evening, all boys gathered on the road where small place was to sit and most of the boy used to gather"
I really saw, it was not my excuse, I will never go to that place now even though I will never go to enjoy flood
water now, I will take a bath in my home "Pampa said..."
It was a very horrible experience man, earlier this was a proverb for me and people used to say this for Darshan
Ghat, but I never believed in it. now i saw it... I cannot forget the scene which I saw... I saw the old ghost catched
my both legs from her hair and she was laughing loudly... her red big eye was like a red light bulb, she had a big
big head... almost 25 years ago one death happened in the same place... you must have heard about that...
"Pampa said... everyone was very afraid and silent"
I think we should not go to enjoy the flood water now, because lots of death happens in Darshan ghat, this
Ghat is pulling us... we went to Manen Ghat to enjoy water but Darshan Ghat pulled us... it is not an incidence...
It is a plan... this Ghat is hungry for death and the souls of the people... at least we should not be a part of this
death... leave this thing guys, we will enjoy here in shallow water here itself...
Thank you for reading this story, a story made on the basis of social proverbs and people's words of village from
Bihar. Please share your comments.
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