Saturday, 18 April 2020

Darshan Ghat Stories E01

Flood, August-2002, Katihar, Bihar, India
Today 12 PM afternoon we all go to Manen Ghat for enjoying the swimming, we will play the game in the water "Jiten said to friends on the small bridge of the road in very low voice so that no body can hear".
I will tell Manoj, Pampa, Motu and Sintu also "Golu said to Jiten"
There is a tree of Jalebi there, all  ripe pink-pink Jalebi are testy, we will eat jalebi also, there is only one benefit to visit there i.e no body come to see the place, no body has the dare to see the people there, and today we will enjoy more because one cremation happend yesterday evening there, therefore nobody will disturb us "Jiten happily said"
At 12 PM i will wistle from here, then you understand the signal, now i am going to home "Golu said"   

"This was the time of flood, water was everywhere, very less land was visible, boats were the main medium of transport, childrens like Golu, Jiten, Motu were enjoying the flood water, they mostly playing games in the water, they were good in swimming, Manen Ghat is a place where cremation happens of this villagers, therefore very less people have the dare to visit that place, mostly feels afraid to visit there, this was only the reason for which mostly childrens love to go there, Manen Ghat is near a small forest, and there was lots of forest fruits trees there like Jalebi and banchar (This might be the name used in the particular location and not understandable for everyone, but we are using this name to identify this fruit), this forest was great place for the children to hide the stuffs and hide themselfs from their parents"

"A wistle sound is coming from the roads......."

Come fast "Golu gave indication to Jiten from the road, Golu was with all other 4 kids, Jiten gave indication to move from their place towards Manen Ghat and he will come later"

Lets Run... I think Jiten's parent will know if we will be here, he will run and reach destination... just move from here now... "Manoj said everyone"

"They started running and reached a water crossing place, here dirt road was full of water, children know that the water is not  upper  then their knee therefore crossed the water by running"

I have one idea, why don't we should take some banana trees to manen ghat, it will be great to play there, we will go more deep water "Golu said.. to Manoj"
Banana tree, but from where we will get it ? i will not go to her place to take tree "Pampa said to Golu"
You are coward Pampa, chill man... i and Manoj will go and take two small trees, it will be great if you all will come so that a good boat we will make "Golu said"

Who is there "Female voice came from the house"
I told you to do not come here, badki mai ( "badki mai" means aunty) will know then will be big problem with us, my papa will creat drum music on my back, it is the time to leave this place "Pampa said, Pampa was very-very afraid"
Silent... do not speak anything, just sit silently "Golu said..."

I think it is good time to collect the banana trees from here, just pick the trees guys "Golu said"

"Everyone took one-one trees, and moved towards the Manen Ghat, Jiten was also comeing to their place by running very-very fast"

Now we need to collect the bamboo sticks or something which we can use to bind the banana trees to build the boat "Jiten said..."

"Everyone looked the sorrounding places and searched some bamboo sticks, threads, ropes and creeper plants to bind the banana trees, all kids started building the boat. The scene of the place was really appalling, the cremation smoke was still coming from the burning woods, a big banyan tree was making the situation more horrible, the overflowed river was just after the tree where kids were enjoyeing"

Everyone come to the boat, we will go to Darshan Ghat (Place where flood water was in aggression mode) from here, we will find more joy there "Golu said on the boat, Golu indicated everyone to come on boat of banana tree"

the boat went inside the water and it is not visible, i think we kept more weight on it " Jiten said..."
Yes, it is true, but do not worry, it will not sink, we do not have to leave it at any condition "Golu said to everyone, everyone was afraid because there were in the deep water on the boat of banana tree but boat was inside the water due to heavy weight"

"The heavy flow of water took them into the middle of the flood where water was very deep and recently one boat accident happens where 1 man died, they reached into the same place, children were being panic because there was not the good situation to leave the boat, it was dangerious... swimming in such a fast flow was very difficult and land was very very far from there therefore it was almost impossible to leave banana tree boat..."

Pampa......!!!! What are you doing man..... come to boat... do not go, you will die... "Golu, Manoj, Sintu shouted, because Pampa jumped from boat to the water, because he saw the plants in the water and he thought the less water to stand there"

"The boat went ahead due to heavy flow of water from the Pampa, and Pampa started swimming towards differrent side from the main flow of water, he saw the plants near the deep water and he thought there must be the aggreculture land and less water, but suddenly he got stucked into the middle of deep water and getting up-down there, it was looking like someone catched his legs inside the water and trying to bring him down, the water must be almost 50 feets deep to that place and water flow was very heavy but his position was constant, there must be somthing inside the water"

Pampa..... Pampa................ I am coming, do not try to swim fast.... otherwise you will be tired and will sink, go inside the water and see where your leg is stuck... it might be some grass... Go inside the water and see... "Golu shouted...."

"Many people were into the bank of Darshan Ghat, they heard the sound and saw the scene, they started shouting, the boat man ( professional boat man) started moving fast towards the place where Pampa was still struggling to come out from the place, Golu jumped to from the banana tree boat and started swimming towards Pampa but siwmming opposit the flow of water is impossible task and he automatically flew to the flow direction. After few second the boat man reached the place where Pampa was struggling... he kept Pampa into the boat and took to the bank of river. Pampa was taking heavy breath and very afraid, it was like he saw something strange there..."

Bhoot.... Bhoot..... I saw Bhoot there  inside the water, there in the deep water i saw a live Bhoot, she has big red eye... her hair is very very long and white in color... she has big long nose, she has 4 hads and 4 legs, her teeth is very big like cat... i saw bhoot "Pampa was crying and evryone was amazed... the villegers were present there"

The villege proverb is looks like true, if this boy saw like this then he must not be alive but why she left alive him "any one from villeger said in very low voice"

Pampa.... lets go to home now, it is 2 PM, we should go home... "Sintu said..."

"Kids reached home, the villegers passed the information to the parents of all the kid, kids were beaten to their home by parents for this activity..."

Pampa... tell me the truth... have you really saw the ghost inside the water or that was only the excecuse "Jiten said, it was 7 PM evening, all boys gathered on the road where small place was to sit and most of the boy used to gather"

I really saw, it was not my execuse, i will never to that place now even i will never go to enjoy flood water now, i will take bath in my home "Pampa said..."

It was very horrible experience man, earlier this was a proverb for me and people used to say this for  Darshan Ghat, but i never believed on it. now i saw it... i cannot forget the scen which i saw... i saw the old ghost catched my both legs from her hair and she was laughing laudly... her red big eye was like red light bulb, she had a big big head... almost 25 years ago one death happens into the same place... you must heard about that... "Pampa said... every one was very afraid and silent"

I think we should not go to enjoy the flood water now, beause lots of death being happens in Darshan ghat, this Ghat is pulling us... we went to Manen Ghat to enjoy water but Darshan Ghat pulled us... it is not an incidence... it is a plan... this Ghat is hungry for death and soul of the people... at least we should not be the part of this deaths... leave this thing guys, we will enjoy here in shallow water here itself...

Thank you for reading this story, story made on the basis of social proverbs and people's words of village from Bihar. Please share your comments.

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Sunday, 12 April 2020

बेहतर होता की तुम भी देश की आवाज होते

ये कविता अक्षर अक्षर सही है, ये कविता भारत के वर्त्तमान हालत को दर्शाता है, भारत अभी बहुत हिन् दयनीय स्थिति से गुजर रहा है क्यों की अभी के हालत में दुनिया का सिर्फ एक हिन् दुश्मन है और वो है "कोरोना वायरस" लेकिन भारत के सामने २ दुश्मन है, पहला तो वो जो पूरी दुनिया का दुश्मन है "कोरोना वायरस" और दूसरा एक इस्लामिक विचारधारा जो इस खतरनाक विचारधारा से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक है, भारत के कुछ मुल्लाओं का इस्लाम ये चाहता है की भारत के पचास लाख से ज्यादा हिन्दू कोरोना वायरस के चपेट में आकर मर जाए जिससे हिन्दुओं की आबादी बहुत काम हो जाएगी और मुस्लिम जिहादी उनपर हावी हो जायेंगे, जिससे भारत के धर्मनिरपेक्ष पर वार करके इस्लामीकरण करना आसान हो जायेगा, और ऐसी वजह से भारत में अभी तबाही मचा हुआ है, भारत में हर जगह प्रशासन के निर्देशों का उल्लंघन हो रहा है, सर्कार के हर प्रकार के बनाये नियमो को ये तोड़ रहे है, सामाजिक दूरी के लिए बिलकुल भी सावधानी नहीं बरतते है और मासचिदों में भारी मात्रा में जमा होकर नवाज पढ़ते है, मुल्ला मौलाना का जो अल्लाह के सबसे करीबी माने जाते है और उनका जानकारी इतना बेहतर है की वो कोरोना से डायरेक्ट बात कर चुके है और कोरोना ने अपना सारा मंशा भी इन्हे बता दिया है, और ये मौलाना सभी मुसलमानो को कोरोना से संक्रमित कर डाला है और उन्हें हर जगह घूम घूम कर सभी जगह को थूक थूक कर, पेशाब को बोतल में भर भर के फेंक फेंक कर, फल सब्जियों को चाट चाट कर लोगों को संक्रमित करने में लग गया है, हजारों हजार ऐसे मुस्लिम भारत में पुलिस के द्वारा पकड़ा गया, मौलाना साद मरकज के मुखिया, निजामुद्दीन दिल्ली से, जिसने भारत में कोहराम मचा दिया, भारत में १ समय में तो बिलकुल भी कोई समयसा नहीं था इस वायरस से, मार्च महीने २०२० के अंत में लगाया हुआ लोखड़ौन अप्रैल में ख़तम होने हिन् वाला था और संक्रमण का संख्या नगण्य के बराबर था लेकिन जमातियों ने और ऐसे कुटिल सोच वाले धर्म ने कुछ हिन् दिन में संख्या हजारो के पार कर दिया, और भारत के लिए एक भरी मुसीबत बना दिया, और सर्कार lockdown  को बढ़ता चला गया, कोई भी देश किसी बीमारी से या प्रत्यक्ष दुश्मन से कभी भी लड़ सकता है और उससे लड़ना बहुत हिन् आसान है लेकिन जो दुश्मन एक ख़ास विचारधारा में बस्ता है और जो देश के अभिन्न अंग बनकर समाज में पूरी तरह से घुल मिल कर षड़यंत्र रचता रहता है और देश में आतंक फैलता है उससे लड़ना बहुत मुश्किल है, मैं दुनिया के उस सभी प्रकार के देश को ये निर्देश देना चाहता हूँ की आप अपने देश में देश विरोधी तत्वों को जल्दी से पहचान लें और उनका जड़ मूल के साथ खत्म कर दें क्योंकि ऐसे लोग बहुत बहुत ज्यादा खतरनाक है, दुनिया के बहुत सारे देश ने इस्लाम को अपने यहाँ से एक सीमा में बंद कर दिया है जैसे चीन और म्यांमार, हम सभी लोगों के बहुत अच्छे तरीके से मालूम है की ईरान के असली सभ्यता को इस्लाम ने खा लिया, और फारस साम्राझ ख़तम हो गया, इजराइल को इस्लाम मिटने हिन् वाला था की उसने तलवार उठा लिया और सबके खिलाफ आवाज उठा लिया तभी उसका वजूद है अभी, ऐसे इस्लामी कट्टरपंथी भारत में अब अपना जड़ जमा रहा है, हम सभी को ऐसे कट्टरपंथी मानसिकता और विचारधारा को ख़तम करने होगा, मुझे मालूम है की सभी मुसलमान एक जैसे नहीं है, कुछ ४० प्रतिशत लोग हिन् ऐसे खून के पिशाच है लेकिन जो अच्छे मुस्लिम है वो इनके खिलाफ नहीं बोलते और ऐसे कट्टरपंथी लोगों को शरण देते है समर्थन करते है, भारत में ज्यादातर मुस्लिम सेलिब्रिटीज को भारत असहनशील तब दिखने लगता है जब इस्लाम पर होता कुछ परिवर्तन नजर आता है, लेकिन हजारों आतंकवादी हमला ( जो की इस्लाम के द्वारा किया जाता है) नहीं दीखता है और १ शब्द भी नहीं बोलता ( मतलब ये चुप होकर इनका समर्थन करते है) और जब किसी आतंकवादी ( जैसे की अफजल गुरु, कसाब, बिनलादेन, हफीज सईद इत्यादि ) पर कुछ करवाई होता है तो ये लोग रोड पर उतर आते है, मतलब साथ है की इस्लामी कट्टरपंथ को एक बढ़िया परिवेश देना फैलने फूलने का, और इस काम में भारत के बहुत सारे भरष्ट हिन्दू भी इनका साथ देते है जैसे ( अरविन्द केजरीवाल, अखिलेश यादव, नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू इत्यादि) ये वो लोग है जो एक हिन्दू या गैर इस्लामी होकर भी एक परिवेश बनाते है कट्टरपंथ को बढ़ाने... नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू का पाकिस्तान प्रेम तो जग जाहिर है, अरविन्द केजरीवाल का दिल्ली दंगा से पहले शाहीन बाघ प्रेम ( गैर संवैधानिक प्रदर्शन) और दिल्ली के दंगा में चुप्पी ( जिसमे की दिल्ली के मुसलमानों ने तबाही मचा दिया था), उत्तर प्रदेश में अखिलेश यादव और मुलायम सिंह यादव ने हमेशा ऐसे कट्टरपंथी विचारधारा को समर्थन दिया और कभी भी इनके खिलाफ कोई मुहीम नहीं चलाया, आजम खान ने मुजफ्फर नगर दंगे में एक अहम् रोले निभाते हुए  हजारों घर को उजर दिया, अब जाकर योगी के सर्कार में निष्पक्ष जांच जुआ तो आजम खान परिवार समेत सैकड़ों मुक़दमे को लेकर जेल का हवा खा रहा है, इतना बड़ा क्रिमिनल समाजवादी पार्टी में फल फूल रहा था और अपने साथ कट्टरपंथ को बढ़ावा दे रहा था. पूरी दुनिया अब इस विशेष कट्टरपंथ को बहुत बढ़िया से पहचान रहा है और उसके लिए कुछ ना कुछ बेहतर सोच रहा है, ६३२ ईश्वी में जब इस्लाम का स्थापना हुआ तो तलवार के दम पर खून खराबा करके ऐसे बहुत बढ़ा लिया गया लेकिन अब समय अलग है, और जमाना बहुत हिन् विकसित है, लोगों की सोच बहुत हिन् उच्च स्तर का हो चुका है, ऐसे में भरी मात्रा में लोक नास्तिक हो रहे है, और कोई भी किसी का दबाब नहीं बर्दास्त कर पाता है,  इस्लामिक आतंक पहले भरी मात्रा में जान माल का नुकसान करता था लेकिन अब सेना के पास अत्याधुनिक हथियार होने के वजह से इन सभी जानवरों का कायदे से सफाया हो जाता है, इसिलए इस्लाम के इस कट्टर विचारधारा का बहुत जल्द हिन् सामूहिक हनन हो जायेगा, और मुझे पूरे विश्वाश है की जिस रफ़्तार से  बढ़ा है दुनिया में उसी रफ़्तार से ये घट भी जायेगा, क्योंकि किसी का है लेकर कोई भी ज्यादा दिन तक टिक नहीं सकता है, इसीलिए इस अन्यान का एक दिन अंत जरूर होगा

बेहतर होता की तुम भी देश की आवाज होते,
बेहतर होता की तुम भारत के हाथ होते,
तुझमे भी बहुत है भारत के चहिते-2
काश तुम भी अब्दुल कलम और अब्दुल हमीद होते,

क्या मिलेगा तुझे गैर इस्लाम का गाला घोंटकर,
क्या हासिल होगा आखिर तुझे खून बहकर,
जरा सा भी अगर लज्जा आती है तुझे तो झाँक अपने भीतर,
तेरे राग राग में हिंदुस्तान है जो तलवार के डैम पर सालों पहले बदले गए थे...

अगर तू हिंदुस्तान और पाकिस्तान का है, 
तो तेरे पूर्वज एक हिन्दू हिन् है,
मालूम है तुझे भी ये सच्चाई लेकिन कबूल नहीं,
मई तुझे कैसा बेगैरत इंसान समझूँ जो अपने जार को भूल गया,
तू एक राजपूत था तू अरबियों ने बाइज्जत करने के लिए तेरी मूंछें काट दी,
और तू उसे इस्लाम का फैशन बोलता है... इतना गिरा है तू की अपने बेइज्जती को भी स्वाभिमान समझता है...

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    Love story of an engineer: Love Story of an Engineer Ebook

थूक थूक गिरोह भारत

क्या हुआ तेरे शहर में ग़ालिब,
लोग  थूक थूक कर अल्लाह के रहनुमे बन रहे है ,
क्या अल्लाह ने गुटखा खाना शुरू कर दिया, 
या अल्लाह के नुमाईन्दे काफिर बन गए है

तेरे शहर को ऐ ग़ालिब कब्रिश्तान बना डाला है,
तेरे आला मौलाना साद ने आतंक का चोला पहना हुआ है,
बता दे खुद इनको की अल्लाह को पसंद है वतन-परस्ती,
नकली हरा चोला पहन कर गद्दारी करना कौम के फरमान में नहीं

चलो माना की गलती हुई वजीरे आलम की बात को ना मानकर,
पर अब तो सामने आकर अपना इलाज करवाओ और गलती कबूल करो,
तुम आवाज हो लाखों इस्लामी अफ़रातो का,
महामारी से बचने का एक बुलंद आवाज दुरुस्त करो

कह दो ग़ालिब ये तेरे शहर के कातिल है,
कह दे की दिल वाली दिल्ली के दिल में इसने खंजर घोंपा है,
कह दे ये तेरे कौम के काफिर है, और इन्हे जहन्नम की आग मिले,
और ऐसे सभी वतन के गद्दारों को अकाल मौत मिले

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Story is the reflation of the society, it spreads the knowledge & information to all, it gives us the capability to increase the imagination & visualization power to our mind. There is a very old proverb in the society i.e "Books are the best friend", we all should read and write a lot always, because reading helps to get in and extract information from the page and write helps others to get and extract information, whatever experience you have in your life you should write, if you are a student then you must write the learning and research contents. If you are a professional, whatever profession you have that does not matter just you should write your learning, knowledge and findings at the end of the every day, if you are not able to write end of each day then at least sit to write twice in the week, i found the everything of our life is like story, each and everything is like a story, "the universe starts after a big explosion" i.e big-bang this is the fact which is explained using a story, our daily work is a story, a famous man has a story behind his life, a great actor, scientist, player, leader has a story behind them, a country, planet, galaxy, solar system, universe every thins has the story and contains the certain words to define themselves, and these all things can be explained by words, the information can be distributed using the content only. The most common thing which we daily see, hear and feel i.e media & movies... these contents are also based on a written content which is well organized and well edited before processing it, i think one day human's existence and it's development from the initial time to modern will be completely history which is again a story and combination of words. I just wanted to motivate you to write you knowledge and story so that others can read and learn from your experience and mistakes. Our brain and habits are two assets, this is only the valuable thing that we have with us always, i believe... that if you have both you will never loose anything in your life and if you loosed also then you must will get better later... hence we need to work only in this two items, i already written a blog on the mind's power... our mind is running on the top of our idea, we can say that the idea or positive/negative sentences are the feeds of brain, our brain does not recognize the type of idea or sentences... mind just receives it as a feed and immediately starts reacting on it, even in case you deep sleep also mind continues thinking producing some fruitful data on those feeds, therefore we need to make sure always that what kind of feed we sends to our brain. That was the one thing another is the brain storming exercise... if we really need to keep mind healthy and functioned properly always then we need to generate force inside the brain to think something and getting solution, here one thing i just wanted to highlight i.e "Sorrow" & "Worry"  should not be the reason to think or brain storming, because in both this case brain functions differently. For example mathematical calculations, data structure questions, computer programmings etc... these are the portion of thinking where you should involve your mind to think strongly, or if you have any research topic then involve your complete mind into that and find the solution, our brain is completely depends on us that how we utilize it and how we get the work done from it. Another asset is habits, yes... habit is very very powerful thing in our life, habit only decides about our success and failure, it decides about rich and poor... our current situation is having the strong connection with our habits... i hope you understand... therefore we need to work on our habits in order to generate the good result and positive environment surrounding us. Just define certain things in your life "Take a continuous deep sleep" why i am saying this, most of the people sleeps in pieces like 2 hours in day and then 8 hours in night or something like this... this is not correct, i think you should not sleep in day time, just sleep at night and sleep continuously 7/8/9 whatever hours you want but when wake up do not go to bed, keep working and spend your time as active hours, do no relax on bed and do not sleep, one more important thing is whenever you are going to bed "do not use mobile phones or laptops/tablets to watch anything" just try to sleep. you active hours make the difference in your life.
Another good habit is "Work with timestamp" i already wrote a blog on this Set priority and timestamp for each task, here i tried to explain that the fixed time and it's priority helps to perform better always, likewise you can also cover more work in the shortest time, so attaching a fixed time with all the tasks is very very necessary, therefore make it as your habit. "Our Active hours should be active as much as possible" why i am saying this...! because our active hours are those hours where we perform and acts on something, this is only the time to generate something. I have gathered few points to discuss and share my views on it, below are those topics

Why we should read ?
Million dollar questions which has been discussed many times, almost all the intellectuals of the world has been explained this particular topic with others thousands of time, reading gives us a very very great capability i.e "imagination & visualization", except reading only silent thinking process provides this capability, therefore reading is more important, our brain creates a real road-map for us to step into the life on the basis of imagination and visualization, how we imagine our life is depends on the mental power and positive feeds given to the brain. Our mind walks on the words of the books and creates images accordingly inside the mind, the story of the page creates a video inside the brain, one page to other page, other page to another page... this trip aligns the story inside the mind and built a great high quality visualization... this visualization process boost our mind and repairs the dead memory and boost all the hidden memories. Ancient histories, knowledge, literature gives us the high quality knowledge, we are living in the digital era therefore the information available into books and papers are being copied to digital form, we have infinite books and papers in the libraries to read and learn the knowledge those books and papers are still not converted into video content and i think it is not possible also,
watching screen continuously is not a good habit because the light of LCD is harmful and it dry liquid of our eye, watching is something we can spend lots of hours in front of the electronic display devices but for reading it does not works, because we try to put our all the afford and gives 100% attentions to recognize the words/sentences and to understand the meaning of it, therefore reading is very very painful on the LCD screen, so reading on the page is still best practice. Keeping a book is also very easy than other electronic devices. Video content is okay for entertainment and other things for the short period but i just want to ask one question on it... have you ever realized that the memories of video is not remain for the long period in our mind...? we forget it very quickly, i think the reason behind is that our mind does not works on the information collected by eyes...  Hindu saints or the ancient researchers written their invention and knowledge into books which is broadly available in the libraries, ancient time's machine & weapons are well explained into those books, also the formula to build those thing are depicted, we only need to select the book and decode them, but this will come only due to reading habit instead of wasting time on unnecessary videos, there are huge knowledge are available and kept in the pages, we need to search and grab this,  Therefore read read read and read always...

Why we should write ?
Well... in above we understood the importance of reading, now it's time to understand the importance of writing,  i know most of the people has "writing as a habit", therefore whatever happens in their life they just writes it, whatever we know, imagine, learn, research, invent etc... we all need to write those thing so that we cannot forget it and the written content help others to learn. Writing is the best way to share the experience which help others always even after you, even after hundred/thousands year after you, in this case your name will be alive always and human being never forget you.

People surrounding us are really working hard on the contents to make our life entertaining and easy, they works hard on the content to increase their profits in the business, peoples like singers and recording studios are continuously working hard to create good stories and songs to distribute among the societies. Hence we should also work hard to spread the awareness in the form of words, we also work to provide the proper words for emotions and societies to grow and improvemet.

This page is the landing page where i will share the link of my all the various stories.

Please shre your comments to improve my writing skills.

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Saturday, 4 April 2020

Be unite, fight against this situation

Corona is the biggest chapter to discuss currently. Why i am saying this, no body know the clear answer that how it came into the world, one investigation says that it came from fish market of China, but there is also a report of secret service that this virus was being created in the Chinese lab as bio weapon but there are no proof of these news... these are only the virtual theory... but the only main truth about this virus is "it is deadly", it reminds the
time of plague and spanish flu pandamic disease, there was a time in this world  where almost half of the population was victim and died most of them, a huge population were cleaned from the world, Plague was also used as biological weapon in ancient time and china was hero in this you can read the wikipedia page Plague Disease, Coron is also came from China and i doubt that it must be a biological weapon to boost the economy, china must boosting their own economy by forcing down the economy of world and by selling their products into the world market on higher rate when world need it, similarly china must be the super power like America and then he can do whatever he wants with the world, there is a forever policy of china i.e increasing he area, China always fights to their neighbours for land and ofte show the state of another country on their own map, in Asia India is a big wall in front of China and for all these things China needed to be the super power in the world and i believe Corona is one of the bioweapon of China to destroy the economy of other countries, China is successfull in some extend... We hope oneday truth will come out and things will be exposed, but for now we need to follow the government's appeal and instruction, Indian government locked down the country to prevent the spread of this virous, it was in control... but few Indian Muslim started violating the rules... Some Indian Muslim started creating the fentasize story between Allah and Corona, Muslims are saying that Corona is sent by Allah to kill Kafirs like Chinese, America, Italian, Indian etc... Moulana Saad ( Cheif of Tablighi Jamaat, Nizamuddin, Delhi) organized a meeting in Nizamuddin with more than 2500 peoples inside the mosque without caring the rules and appeals of the government, Moulana Saad gave instructions to everyone i.e "do not listen the doctors and Indian administrations, and corona has no dare to infact the muslims because Allah save muslims, do not care of anything, do not mentain social distance, live like earlier "... police took immediate action to evacuate the people from mosque, moany muslims escaped and hide themself in differrent states... 1100+ (still increasing, it must be increased ) muslim people found infacted with corona virus of Jamaat, Moulana Saad hide himself somewhere and it is a doubt that he is also infacted... on the Moulana's direction most of the Indian muslim started spreading the Corona virus in entire country by spitting into the rupees notes, fruits, couries, public places, vehicles etc... Jamati muslims is spitting on the nurses and police, Muslims of Jharkhand & Indore throwing stones on the doctors and police. Muslim boy started making the tiktok videos on corona virus that "Corona cannot do anything of Muslim people, because Corona is the virus of Allah send for Kafirs", Now the hidden Jamati Muslims are spreading disease in their area wherever he is hidden, and in coming future the number of infected people & death will be increase and situation will be very very deadly, India again came into danger... the controlled situation became completely uncontrolled... there are thousands of Indian good muslims are present who never follow such acts but yes big population of Indian muslim always try to harm and destry the India and Indian culture... I have only one thing to say for this i.e "Bat might be the reason of Corona in China but corona came from Tablighi Jamaat ( muslim organisation) in India", recently a big riots happens in Delhi where muslims destroyed corores of business and burned alive Hindu, "Ankit Sharma" an IB officer was brutly killed in the "Tahir Hussain's" hourse, there is a big topic of it... before this Shaheen bagh was the big problem where Shaheen bagh muslims stopped the most croweded road of Delhi-Noida and  started doing protest here muslims were opposing one law which is already passed into the parliament and added into the constitution (i.e CAA- Citizenship Amendment Act 2019) this law is completely in the favour of Indian muslim everyone ( even PM explained the law many time to country) explained the law to them, supreme court's special unit came to Shaheen bagh and explained the law to them but don't know what kind of thinking level they have... they continued the protest... there was many videos we saw where muslim women were taking 500 rupees for each day's protest by the PFI ( Populer Front Of India)... many PFI people were arrested but the news being hidded due to corona effect...  don't know what is truth... but there is only one truth i.e Huge number of muslims are always try to harm the India at any cost. This is my personal appeal to all the citizen of India i.e "We are one, do not devide as Hindu & Muslim, there are many religion in India except Muslim but only only Muslim harms India... India is our country we all need to fight againest the enemy of the country... we all are Indian and it is only our recognisition, India is only our place to live happy, no other country will accept you and us".

We all are sufferring with the critical situation of our life, this kind of pandamic disaster often happens and repeats in certain years, we can see behind the history that how plague, spanish flu etc... killed the population.

Human always harms the nature and forces everything down to get up, human destroyed the nature and the life of forests, large amount of animals are get affected and their life are in danger, nature never tolerate to anything therefore i think after few certain years nature gives back to us, in simple i think nature is like a mirror whatever face we show to nature... nature show the same to us, in this pandamic season we can feel the purity of environment, purity of the air and water, we can easily see the stars and moons from our roof of the crowded city like Delhi, Mumbai and Gurgaon, Really... nature is boosting themself and getting better day by day because lockdown blocked everything and there is no human activity outside from the home, might be these pandamic disease are the reflection of nature... whatever is that but for use there is a lesson to learn i.e care... we all need to care the other creatures and nature, we need to control our pollution and at any cost other animals should not be harmed.

Crores of year Dynasoure ruled the world and then their distruction happened, but i am sure humans will not rule the world for the long time because one thing human have which dynasoure does not i.e technologies & factories, human emits huge pollution and harms other creatures, in very near fute human will be completely destroyed from the earth and then might be another intelligent creature like human and dynasoure will get birth. 

I found that god made only one intelligent creature after dynasoure i.e Human, but human created their own religion for their convenience , all the ancient religion are slowly slowly being depricated and modern religion are taking over it, ancient religion like Hinduism ( Origin from India, present in India only),  Zoroastrianism ( Iranian old religion now Islam has completely killed this from Iran), Judaism ( badly affected from Islam, but still less remaining in the world) etc... the most modern religion is Islam which affects the other religions. But i think religion is the way of living only, actually there should be only one religion i.e humanity and style of living should be environment friendly, i know thing will be change slowly slowly and human will change themself according to the nature to save the planet otherwise planet will be destroyed.

There is a very crucial truth of the world, i.e one part of the population is completely growing and moving forward, thinking about the development and inventions and another big population of the world is completely brain washed they always try to taking over the other religion and destroy other people, this class are providing zero percent on growth and invention, they are only spreading terrorism and jihads, this differrence should be eliminated and brain washed people needed to join the main stream so that they and their children learn the science, mathematics etc... subjects in order to contribute on social developments. We all human needed to work for this, the weapon force is not the solution, i think other way we need to find out for this, because society cannot be created with one class of people we need both class.

World is in a war zone, this is the war where no weapons are being used, no bullets are being fired and no missiles are getting aimed. This war is of medicines, ventilators, masks & hand sanitizer, world always boost their weapons and never thought about boosting the required medical appliances, i think now the concept will be changed and all country will prepare themself by boosting the sufficient amount of medicines and medical equipments. We all are the army of this war zone and we need to contribute our valor, we all have only one enemy i.e a virus, we all need to create a positive environment and enrergy sorroundings, from last 2-3 weeks we all are locked to our home and everything is closed outside, we have the time to do yoga and look inside us to judge our soul, this war is against inhuman facts.

"Truth" is only the key of this world, because nature accepts "truth" only, therefore we should always dare to speak, read & write truth, we should always accept truth and should have sufficient fact to share truth with others.

I never wanted to harm anybody's belief's, i appolies if you feel like this in above content.

Thanks for your patients, kindly share your comments to improve myself.

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Thursday, 2 April 2020

Ubuntu WiFi problem resolved

If you have recently updated from any other operating system to Ubuntu or you have dual OS in your laptop then you might face the wifi problem, your laptop is having the wifi adapter but OS will show one message like you do not have the wifi adapter :

In this case you need to figure out that which wifi hardware is being used in you laptop,  "lspci" and "lshw" are two commands to find out the name of it,  follow the below snapshot

Now you know very well that your laptop have the wireless hardware but missing thing is the relative software of it, this kind of special software is known as the hardware drivers, these drivers are used to function the hardwares, you can google if you want to know the software drivers in details, basically software drivers are special software program which runs inside the operating system's kernel, each computer peripheral devices are having the relative drivers to perform the read/write operations, in my laptop the wireless hardware is provided by "Mediatek Corp..", i found the software in github i.e , you need to search the software in internet and then need to build it, i used the below steps to clone, build and install the wireless driver:

sudo apt-get install git build-essential
git clone
cd MT7630E/
chmod +x install test uninstall
sudo ./install
sudo reboot

Here the "install" script itself compiles and install the program in your computer, below are the content of the install script
set -e
BASEDIR="$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")"
if (( $EUID != 0 )); then
    printf "\n-----Sorry! Run with root privilege (for example with 'sudo ./install')\n\n"
    exit 1
KERNEL=${1-$(uname -r)}
make install KERNEL=$KERNEL
modprobe mt7630e -S $KERNEL
modprobe mt76xx -S $KERNEL
echo "
The driver has been successfully installed.
If you don't have wifi yet, try to reboot.
If bluetooth doesn't work, read the bluetooth
section in file and follow through.
You can see above that the source code is compiled on the basis of current kernel architecture to generate the appropriate binary,  once kernel module is geing generated it is being inserted into the linux kernel.
For learning perspective you can also execute the makefile instead of executing the install script, makefile will have below kind of content inside that:
.PHONY: all clean install uninstall

KERNEL ?= `uname -r`
KDIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNEL)/build
DST_DIR ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNEL)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
PKG_VER ?= `sed -n 's/^[[:blank:]]*PACKAGE_VERSION=\([^[:blank:]]*\).*/\1/p' dkms.conf`

        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR)/rt2x00 modules
        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR)/btloader modules

        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR)/rt2x00 clean
        $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR)/btloader clean

        cp -v firmware/*/* /lib/firmware/
        cp rt2x00/mt7630e.ko $(DST_DIR)
        cp btloader/mt76xx.ko $(DST_DIR)
        depmod $(KERNEL)

        rm -vf /lib/firmware/mt76x0.bin /lib/firmware/MT7650E234.bin
        rm -vf $(DST_DIR)/mt7630e.ko
        rm -vf $(DST_DIR)/mt76xx.ko
        depmod $(KERNEL)

        cp -v firmware/*/* /lib/firmware/
        cp -R . /usr/src/mt7630e-$(PKG_VER)
        dkms add -m mt7630e -v $(PKG_VER)
        dkms build -m mt7630e -v $(PKG_VER) -k $(KERNEL)
        dkms install -m mt7630e -v $(PKG_VER) -k $(KERNEL)

"make" simply compile your source code and build the kernel module ( .ko file) for you, after that you can simply insert the module in ubuntu's kernel by mannual "insmod" commad, my makefile compilation terminal logs are below:
jeet@jeet-X200LA:~/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E$ sudo make
make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=/home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00 modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-91-generic'
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00dev.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00mac.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00config.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00queue.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00link.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/mt_linux.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00crypto.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00firmware.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00leds.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00mmio.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2800pci.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2800lib.o
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/rt2x00pci.o
  LD [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/mt7630e.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 1 modules
  CC      /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/mt7630e.mod.o
  LD [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/rt2x00/mt7630e.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-91-generic'
make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=/home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/btloader modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-91-generic'
  CC [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/btloader/mt76xx.o
  Building modules, stage 2.
  MODPOST 1 modules
  CC      /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/btloader/mt76xx.mod.o
  LD [M]  /home/jeet/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E/btloader/mt76xx.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-headers-4.15.0-91-generic'

Now kernel module is generated and ready to be inserted into the kernel, i ran the below command to insert:
jeet@jeet-X200LA:~/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E$ sudo insmod rt2x00/mt7630e.ko 
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module rt2x00/mt7630e.ko: File exists

I already inserted therefore it is showing "File exists", below is the description:
jeet@jeet-X200LA:~/Downloads/wifi-Driver-Ubuntu/MT7630E$ lsmod | grep mt76
mt76xx                 20480  0
mt7630e               180224  0
mac80211              786432  1 mt7630e
cfg80211              622592  2 mt7630e,mac80211
eeprom_93cx6           16384  1 mt7630e

Now you must be able to find the wifi devices, go to setting and turn on the wifi, you must be able to see the wireless devices

The conclusion of the above story is that you need to find out the wireless hardware name then only you will able to find the driver, for almost all the mediatek devices to to link and read the appropriate information to resolve you issue.

If you need more help related to your wireless hardware then please comment i will try to resolve your all issues.

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Nirmit Camp Life & Came back to Gurgaon

D ear readers, You knew that I have reached the Naukuchiatal in my previous blog, As everyone knows that the entire Uttarakhand is the place...