Sunday, 12 April 2020


Story is the reflation of the society, it spreads the knowledge & information to all, it gives us the capability to increase the imagination & visualization power to our mind. There is a very old proverb in the society i.e "Books are the best friend", we all should read and write a lot always, because reading helps to get in and extract information from the page and write helps others to get and extract information, whatever experience you have in your life you should write, if you are a student then you must write the learning and research contents. If you are a professional, whatever profession you have that does not matter just you should write your learning, knowledge and findings at the end of the every day, if you are not able to write end of each day then at least sit to write twice in the week, i found the everything of our life is like story, each and everything is like a story, "the universe starts after a big explosion" i.e big-bang this is the fact which is explained using a story, our daily work is a story, a famous man has a story behind his life, a great actor, scientist, player, leader has a story behind them, a country, planet, galaxy, solar system, universe every thins has the story and contains the certain words to define themselves, and these all things can be explained by words, the information can be distributed using the content only. The most common thing which we daily see, hear and feel i.e media & movies... these contents are also based on a written content which is well organized and well edited before processing it, i think one day human's existence and it's development from the initial time to modern will be completely history which is again a story and combination of words. I just wanted to motivate you to write you knowledge and story so that others can read and learn from your experience and mistakes. Our brain and habits are two assets, this is only the valuable thing that we have with us always, i believe... that if you have both you will never loose anything in your life and if you loosed also then you must will get better later... hence we need to work only in this two items, i already written a blog on the mind's power... our mind is running on the top of our idea, we can say that the idea or positive/negative sentences are the feeds of brain, our brain does not recognize the type of idea or sentences... mind just receives it as a feed and immediately starts reacting on it, even in case you deep sleep also mind continues thinking producing some fruitful data on those feeds, therefore we need to make sure always that what kind of feed we sends to our brain. That was the one thing another is the brain storming exercise... if we really need to keep mind healthy and functioned properly always then we need to generate force inside the brain to think something and getting solution, here one thing i just wanted to highlight i.e "Sorrow" & "Worry"  should not be the reason to think or brain storming, because in both this case brain functions differently. For example mathematical calculations, data structure questions, computer programmings etc... these are the portion of thinking where you should involve your mind to think strongly, or if you have any research topic then involve your complete mind into that and find the solution, our brain is completely depends on us that how we utilize it and how we get the work done from it. Another asset is habits, yes... habit is very very powerful thing in our life, habit only decides about our success and failure, it decides about rich and poor... our current situation is having the strong connection with our habits... i hope you understand... therefore we need to work on our habits in order to generate the good result and positive environment surrounding us. Just define certain things in your life "Take a continuous deep sleep" why i am saying this, most of the people sleeps in pieces like 2 hours in day and then 8 hours in night or something like this... this is not correct, i think you should not sleep in day time, just sleep at night and sleep continuously 7/8/9 whatever hours you want but when wake up do not go to bed, keep working and spend your time as active hours, do no relax on bed and do not sleep, one more important thing is whenever you are going to bed "do not use mobile phones or laptops/tablets to watch anything" just try to sleep. you active hours make the difference in your life.
Another good habit is "Work with timestamp" i already wrote a blog on this Set priority and timestamp for each task, here i tried to explain that the fixed time and it's priority helps to perform better always, likewise you can also cover more work in the shortest time, so attaching a fixed time with all the tasks is very very necessary, therefore make it as your habit. "Our Active hours should be active as much as possible" why i am saying this...! because our active hours are those hours where we perform and acts on something, this is only the time to generate something. I have gathered few points to discuss and share my views on it, below are those topics

Why we should read ?
Million dollar questions which has been discussed many times, almost all the intellectuals of the world has been explained this particular topic with others thousands of time, reading gives us a very very great capability i.e "imagination & visualization", except reading only silent thinking process provides this capability, therefore reading is more important, our brain creates a real road-map for us to step into the life on the basis of imagination and visualization, how we imagine our life is depends on the mental power and positive feeds given to the brain. Our mind walks on the words of the books and creates images accordingly inside the mind, the story of the page creates a video inside the brain, one page to other page, other page to another page... this trip aligns the story inside the mind and built a great high quality visualization... this visualization process boost our mind and repairs the dead memory and boost all the hidden memories. Ancient histories, knowledge, literature gives us the high quality knowledge, we are living in the digital era therefore the information available into books and papers are being copied to digital form, we have infinite books and papers in the libraries to read and learn the knowledge those books and papers are still not converted into video content and i think it is not possible also,
watching screen continuously is not a good habit because the light of LCD is harmful and it dry liquid of our eye, watching is something we can spend lots of hours in front of the electronic display devices but for reading it does not works, because we try to put our all the afford and gives 100% attentions to recognize the words/sentences and to understand the meaning of it, therefore reading is very very painful on the LCD screen, so reading on the page is still best practice. Keeping a book is also very easy than other electronic devices. Video content is okay for entertainment and other things for the short period but i just want to ask one question on it... have you ever realized that the memories of video is not remain for the long period in our mind...? we forget it very quickly, i think the reason behind is that our mind does not works on the information collected by eyes...  Hindu saints or the ancient researchers written their invention and knowledge into books which is broadly available in the libraries, ancient time's machine & weapons are well explained into those books, also the formula to build those thing are depicted, we only need to select the book and decode them, but this will come only due to reading habit instead of wasting time on unnecessary videos, there are huge knowledge are available and kept in the pages, we need to search and grab this,  Therefore read read read and read always...

Why we should write ?
Well... in above we understood the importance of reading, now it's time to understand the importance of writing,  i know most of the people has "writing as a habit", therefore whatever happens in their life they just writes it, whatever we know, imagine, learn, research, invent etc... we all need to write those thing so that we cannot forget it and the written content help others to learn. Writing is the best way to share the experience which help others always even after you, even after hundred/thousands year after you, in this case your name will be alive always and human being never forget you.

People surrounding us are really working hard on the contents to make our life entertaining and easy, they works hard on the content to increase their profits in the business, peoples like singers and recording studios are continuously working hard to create good stories and songs to distribute among the societies. Hence we should also work hard to spread the awareness in the form of words, we also work to provide the proper words for emotions and societies to grow and improvemet.

This page is the landing page where i will share the link of my all the various stories.

Please shre your comments to improve my writing skills.

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My Books:
    India Tourism: India Tourism EBook
    Love story of an engineer: Love Story of an Engineer Ebook

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