Why i am saying like this "Silence is a form of meditation", to understand it we need to understand the core concept of meditation, this is the activity mostly done in the place where lowest sound is available or it is best if zero sound is available, in this situation we can concentrate more perfectly, so there are two major parts of it, one is "silent place" another is "centralize mind's power in one point",
If we do any one from two points we can obtain the result of the meditation, focusing or centralizing the mind's power or consciousness into one point is little difficult for and it is not possible for maximum people, therefore first option is good to go, we should spend at least 30 minutes in a very very silent place daily, and try to shutdown the process or waves of mind and sit in stand by mode, it provides a great relaxation to our body and mind, hyper tension, depression and lots of many psychological disease can be prohibited using this.
If we do any one from two points we can obtain the result of the meditation, focusing or centralizing the mind's power or consciousness into one point is little difficult for and it is not possible for maximum people, therefore first option is good to go, we should spend at least 30 minutes in a very very silent place daily, and try to shutdown the process or waves of mind and sit in stand by mode, it provides a great relaxation to our body and mind, hyper tension, depression and lots of many psychological disease can be prohibited using this.
We are living in the era of noises, we are living in the era of high population, we all are very very far from the nature's beauty, therefore most of us never feels the nature's voice and word, actually we don't have time to do this, we are working and crazy work takes our 90% energy and time to being complete on time, due to which we have no social relations and contributions, social thing is the big activity to consider but before it we need time for us which is almost impossible for maximum people, high work pressure always gives high pressure in mind, high mind pressure pushes our mind down and then our mind generates the hyper tension. a bad energetic mind never performs well, therefore we need to give proper treatment to our mind. Unnecessary sounds vibes also distracts our focus, because our mind starts focusing on the source of sound and try to understand it, voices or sounds are very necessary for us but it destroys our mind's power of concentrating, "if you want to calm your mind, just be silent and stay in silent place". Many of you went to the "Lotus Temple" near Nehru place, Delhi, what did you noticed ? I noticed the silence inside the temple, it was zero noises, i tried to do meditation by closing eyes on the bench many times within 5 minutes mind was getting completely relaxed and i was feeling sleepy there. all the negative energies and negative vibes gets release from the mind, therefore in brief "Search a silent place, or shutdown everything at your home, switched of the lights and be silent for few minutes, you will get relaxed".
When our mind is stable we can discuss new ideas with it, we can talk to our mind for the next, and we can provide new task to perform to our mind, here you will see the magical performance of your mind, our mind will function and find the solutions even in case when you will be in sleep.
Hundreds of top personality , scientists, inventors knows it very well, they always spend their most of the time at alone, because they needed to brainstorm for discoveries. Our era is very very rich in appliances and internet data, we and our next generation are never alone because universal friend i.e mobile is always with us, and mobile is time eating device, a mobile phone contains the whole world inside it, there is very basic use of it i.e making phone calls and receiving phone calls but if we unlock it then lots of the task automatically arises such as looking into new messages, whatsapp messages, instagram posts, facebook comments/likes/posts/updates, twitter updates, new mails, news etc... these are the unlimited tasks and 24 hours time is even very less for it because tasks multiplies. This is our duty to get out from this confusion, because a controlled mind provides more throughput. There is one to reduce the device utilization i.e minimize the need and minimize the applications and never spends your time on watching unnecessary videos and TV Serials. Web series the main trend of this era, huge web application is available where never ending web series and serials are available, i was also addicted to watch one web series in Netflix, i was spending nights to watch episodes of it, i was trying to complete it as soon as possible but i was surprised that daily 40-50 episodes were added and it's limit were increasing, i was 100% involved into that and did not have time to do anything , finally i decided to close my account in that and uninstalled the application from my mobile. As i understand i.e huge mobile data and web applications are the trap to take our time, actually this is the business by which someone earns money, lots of cases of data theft comes due to any mobile applications or unwanted software which comes from internet, therefore it is 100% not safe to use the internet a lot, utilization is the different thing... the important part is time... i have already written a blog on this i.e We are travelling via time, we all are running with sort of time, we becomes old after each breath, therefore we should spend our time carefully. These mobile applications and internet never leaves our mind peaceful, it generates noises surroundings, noises in the form of music, in the form of notification sound and watching mobiles continuously takes 100% effort of mind, in last we are spoiling our time. Therefore start thinking for utilization of your extra ordinary mind from now, it should not be only a piece of word...
Weather leaves a great impact on our body and mind, today is March-2020 and season is being change from winter to summer, in this duration huge changes are happening in our mind, the main thing is behaviour, aggression, arrogance, short temper etc... are the common symptoms, there is only one way to keep mind calm i.e "Silence" do not speak anything and close your eyes, take deep breath.
Shutdown the unnecessary process running in your mind, sometimes few things continuously runs in your mind as a loop, and we do not have the control on it to stop, therefore we feels headache and insomnia, and it happens when we continuously think something very strongly and we centralize our all power to think that perticular thing, this is the next level of problem but we can stop everything before this, there is a single formula which is hit always:
"Close Eyes", "Sit or stand straight", "Stable body, stop doing everything except taking breath" till at least 5 minutes, it will completely change the energy circulation in your body. Our body is very very adaptive therefore we should provide a good habit to it and your body will automatically adapt and perform the things well, therefore do promise today for one activity that you will do everyday i.e "turn off TV, mobiles phones, lights then sit on chair or bed and be silent and stop doing everything except taking breath before going to bed everyday", it will give you a great output in your daily life.
Our life is very short, therefore do not try to do everything in this life, leave the things side and live life happily, what is your dream...? there might be lots of crazy barriers before it but these resistants never stop you to complete your dream, therefore reduce the works and never try to do anything to make somebody happy, work for yourself and family, never try to do parallel processing i.e multiple work at a time, similarly never try to focus on multiple thing in your mind, choose few works and list them out and perform those only in your entire life, and most important thing is happiness, in our era watching movies, videos and TV is also necessary but spending huge time on it is problem, spending quality time with family members is very important therefore list your work and assign specific time accordingly, and never divert from the way while running on your list. In our daily life we are doing very less percentage of quality work which is originally our task, and in remaining time we mostly do the unnecessary and irrelevant tasks which consumes our energy and brains, therefore we need to reduce these tasks and use our all energy and power on appropriate work.
2. Never try to work for making someone happy such as boss.
3. Spend quality time with family members.
4. Never try to work on multiple things, reduce the numbers of work, think & work on less number of topics but perform great, we need to categorise our task in two flags "relevant" and "irrelevant", i am sure you will have very less work now.
5. Recognise your dream, set goals, build actions and perform well.
6. Never divert your mind from the main course of your life.
When our mind is stable we can discuss new ideas with it, we can talk to our mind for the next, and we can provide new task to perform to our mind, here you will see the magical performance of your mind, our mind will function and find the solutions even in case when you will be in sleep.
Hundreds of top personality , scientists, inventors knows it very well, they always spend their most of the time at alone, because they needed to brainstorm for discoveries. Our era is very very rich in appliances and internet data, we and our next generation are never alone because universal friend i.e mobile is always with us, and mobile is time eating device, a mobile phone contains the whole world inside it, there is very basic use of it i.e making phone calls and receiving phone calls but if we unlock it then lots of the task automatically arises such as looking into new messages, whatsapp messages, instagram posts, facebook comments/likes/posts/updates, twitter updates, new mails, news etc... these are the unlimited tasks and 24 hours time is even very less for it because tasks multiplies. This is our duty to get out from this confusion, because a controlled mind provides more throughput. There is one to reduce the device utilization i.e minimize the need and minimize the applications and never spends your time on watching unnecessary videos and TV Serials. Web series the main trend of this era, huge web application is available where never ending web series and serials are available, i was also addicted to watch one web series in Netflix, i was spending nights to watch episodes of it, i was trying to complete it as soon as possible but i was surprised that daily 40-50 episodes were added and it's limit were increasing, i was 100% involved into that and did not have time to do anything , finally i decided to close my account in that and uninstalled the application from my mobile. As i understand i.e huge mobile data and web applications are the trap to take our time, actually this is the business by which someone earns money, lots of cases of data theft comes due to any mobile applications or unwanted software which comes from internet, therefore it is 100% not safe to use the internet a lot, utilization is the different thing... the important part is time... i have already written a blog on this i.e We are travelling via time, we all are running with sort of time, we becomes old after each breath, therefore we should spend our time carefully. These mobile applications and internet never leaves our mind peaceful, it generates noises surroundings, noises in the form of music, in the form of notification sound and watching mobiles continuously takes 100% effort of mind, in last we are spoiling our time. Therefore start thinking for utilization of your extra ordinary mind from now, it should not be only a piece of word...
Weather leaves a great impact on our body and mind, today is March-2020 and season is being change from winter to summer, in this duration huge changes are happening in our mind, the main thing is behaviour, aggression, arrogance, short temper etc... are the common symptoms, there is only one way to keep mind calm i.e "Silence" do not speak anything and close your eyes, take deep breath.
Shutdown the unnecessary process running in your mind, sometimes few things continuously runs in your mind as a loop, and we do not have the control on it to stop, therefore we feels headache and insomnia, and it happens when we continuously think something very strongly and we centralize our all power to think that perticular thing, this is the next level of problem but we can stop everything before this, there is a single formula which is hit always:
"Close Eyes", "Sit or stand straight", "Stable body, stop doing everything except taking breath" till at least 5 minutes, it will completely change the energy circulation in your body. Our body is very very adaptive therefore we should provide a good habit to it and your body will automatically adapt and perform the things well, therefore do promise today for one activity that you will do everyday i.e "turn off TV, mobiles phones, lights then sit on chair or bed and be silent and stop doing everything except taking breath before going to bed everyday", it will give you a great output in your daily life.
Our life is very short, therefore do not try to do everything in this life, leave the things side and live life happily, what is your dream...? there might be lots of crazy barriers before it but these resistants never stop you to complete your dream, therefore reduce the works and never try to do anything to make somebody happy, work for yourself and family, never try to do parallel processing i.e multiple work at a time, similarly never try to focus on multiple thing in your mind, choose few works and list them out and perform those only in your entire life, and most important thing is happiness, in our era watching movies, videos and TV is also necessary but spending huge time on it is problem, spending quality time with family members is very important therefore list your work and assign specific time accordingly, and never divert from the way while running on your list. In our daily life we are doing very less percentage of quality work which is originally our task, and in remaining time we mostly do the unnecessary and irrelevant tasks which consumes our energy and brains, therefore we need to reduce these tasks and use our all energy and power on appropriate work.
In Brief
1. Be silent and perform great2. Never try to work for making someone happy such as boss.
3. Spend quality time with family members.
4. Never try to work on multiple things, reduce the numbers of work, think & work on less number of topics but perform great, we need to categorise our task in two flags "relevant" and "irrelevant", i am sure you will have very less work now.
5. Recognise your dream, set goals, build actions and perform well.
6. Never divert your mind from the main course of your life.
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My Books:
India Tourism: India Tourism EBook
Love story of an engineer: Love Story of an Engineer Ebook
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